11. The fastest swimmers are the ones who slow down the least. 12. The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and push off the wall. 13. Slice through the water, don"t plow. Make your middle name"streamline". 14. Don"t think of pulling the water. Learn to anchoryour hands,wrists, and forearms, and hold onto the water. Learn to use your legs for balance and body stabilization. 15. Power is generated from the hips and torso. Use your shoulders for your recovery and to generate additional armspeed. 16. Relax from the inside out. 17. Never look back. 18. Attack your race, attack your opponent. 19. Embrace your opponents. They make you a faster, betterswimmer. 20. Use visual and mental imagery of yourself achieving and surpassing your goals. 21. Swim smart, use your head, and keep your head still.