蓝色极限慈善公益冲浪比赛 Blue Hawaii Charity Surf Event The Blue Hawaii Charity Surf competition will be held in front of Sanya Surf Bar in Dadonghai, Sanya city, China, for one day only on August 9th .
Cost for participation is 150rmb per person and 50rmb for each additional division. All the money from the contest entry fee and contest sponsors will go to the local charity The hope for brain-damaged children recovery Center .
There will be six divisions totally, and prizes will be given to the top three places in each division.
Divisions are as follows:
1:Men's Short Board 男子短板
2:Men's long board 男子长板 3:Women's short board女子短板 4:Women's long board女子长板 5:Beginer's long board新手长板(冲浪一年多两年以下的) 6:Creative Costume创意着装
We hope you can join us, no matter how sucks you behave!! our ultimate goal is to let everyone take part in it and take this contest as a valuable opportunity to play with the foreign amateurs, share you feelings, and collect the fund for the disabled children who need help indeed. Surfing is the hope, the power.
希望大家踊跃参加,不管你的水平如何,本次比赛的终极目标是以献爱为中心,本次活动不只是国人浪友们相聚,交流,玩耍的好机会,同时也能筹集慈款来帮助真正需要帮助的人! 冲浪就是正能量!
原件: http://chinasurfreport.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=332:%E8%93%9D%E8%89%B2%E6%9E%81%E9%99%90%E6%85%88%E5%96%84%E5%85%AC%E7%9B%8A%E5%86%B2%E6%B5%AA%E6%AF%94%E8%B5%9B-blue-hawaii-charity-surf-event
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