本帖最后由 *娜娜* 于 2016-1-13 13:02 编辑
How many persons did they date for O.N.S via this outdoor sport's platform?大家估计下,有多少人用这个网站YP的.
"That's really sick , the image of god collapsed suddenly, when I knew the boy who looked decent andhaving morals screwed with different girls here not for love lastyear, while Buddha said the world was made up of five types ofgrime, and human being wouldbe more and more degraded. "(word里可以用删除线,这个编辑器不可以,这一段2016年1月13日修改为)从2014年2月-2016年,我知道的信息,这几个人男的是被女的主动进攻,意志薄弱,沦陷投降的(魔崽子,我和茶溪谷询问得知在灵山是那个女的主动去找他的;http://bbs.lvye.cn/thread-1362065-1-1.html这个事件里的男主是被妹纸主攻的;The god有好几个分情况而论;某某在大家一起腐败后,往车站走时,突然告诉我,上次饭桌上,某某女士和他睡过觉... ),去年我下山回家,有一件衣服放在另一个驴友的包里,(下山等车时没有水了,他正好也要去小卖部就请他带一瓶,后来到西坝河时发现没零钱,看到附近有面馆,就想请他吃碗小面还给他了结,结果吃完脑子不灵忘记拿衣服了)第二天约他请他吃饭(因为到中午时他都不给我打电话)把衣服(艾高的排骨衣1000多买的)还给我,陪他吃完饭,然后陪散步,最后跟着他坐车去他家拿的,路上,送给我一片叶子,还把一个大概是加拿大的分币,印有树叶的那个,反复跟我说,一叶情、一叶情….{35}
First, I don't agree (or mean) the men who only wanna sex partner through this sites is reasonable, as i thought they were not worthy of being criticized.
Girls, yes, many of men of this country they are with very very low cultivation, indelicate , have lower moral standing, treat women as servants and sexual slaves...blahblah...这儿也有许多好男人的楷模啊(今朝、走山、征程、奶茶...) as we known, the legal rights and welfare benefits to be a woman in this country are quite lower than developed countries, but you should never give up yourself, yeah, stick and stand by, you deserve a better one, one kind woman can cultivate a nice man.
一个民族是否强大,看看他们的女人的 quality and how they treat women, meanwhile it is the severe time for this nation, most men don't stand up for supporting us, while we can ask ourselves——我们不做让自己堕落的事情。
Please watch the movie Erin Brockovich, http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDM4NjEwMzU2.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2.
玩户外的女孩们,坚持住,you will win your splendid life, that I will let you know I did not just publish some kind proverbs like Chicken Soup for the Soul later. I will write a series of articles about the gains from the spiritual level through outdoor sports.
Nana, you damned like a policeman patrolled cross the Pacific Ocean , you deem who you are. Yes, buddy, the last three numbers of my cellphone is 110, you should notice it.