1992年,两位捷克攀岩爱好者和一位比利时销售商创立了SingingRock。在公司成立的最初10年,我们成功地应用最先进的设备制造出最现代的产品。安全带和绳索是公司旗下的核心产品,在攀岩领域中享有极高的声誉。 为了满足更多的客户需求,SingingRock也生产保护器、主锁、滑轮等器材。设计团队提供产品设计,攀岩器材、探洞器材、高空作业装备、消防和救援装备都经过严格的预生产检验。 顶级攀岩者与SingingRock的设计团队携手,极大地提升了产品的设计水平和实际功用。这些顶级的攀岩者包括:MartinStráník,ŠtěpánStráník,Jitka Mázlová,Luboš Mázl,DušanStoupa Janák 等。当顾客拿到安全带、绳子和主锁的时候,这些产品已经过这些一流高手的严苛的磨砺。这些了不起的运动家帮助我们酝酿出产品原型。我们的探洞装备经过捷克speleo-rescue和 Kota 1000标准的常规检验,PepaSimunek在他的喜马拉雅“远征”中携带了我们的装备。一些产品的功能是被捷克著名的残疾攀岩者开发出来。 我们的革新和原创的解决方案都有专利保护。攀岩和探洞绳索采用的Route44技术和安全带的Rock&Lock带扣系统是公司设计团队研发出的两项最新技术。我们的革新绝不仅是营销手段,这些非常实用的解决方案让攀岩者体验到更多乐趣。销售和强大的技术研发能力使SingingRock成为市场的领导者。 我们的欢乐源于为这个充满乐趣的产业注入新鲜空气。
Two Czechclimbers and a Belgian salesman founded Singing Rock back in 1992. During firstdecade of production Singing Rock owners succeeded in setting up the up-to-dateproduction with most modern machinery. Harnessesand ropes are two main product groups that are helping to spread greatreputation of Singing Rock throughout climbing community. In order to havecomplete range for almost every customer, Singing Rock also produces anchoringand belaying devices, carabiners, pulleys etc. Design team prepares prototypes,does careful pre-production testing with climbing gear and also with gear forcaving, work at height, fire brigade and rescue activities. There is very competent group of top climbers, who, hand in hand with Singing Rock's design team, aresetting the design standard and functionality even higher. To name few: MartinStráník, Štěpán Stráník, Jitka Mázlová and Luboš Mázl, Dušan Stoupa Janákand many others. It means that before you get the harness, rope or carabiner ithad to pass real “purgatory”... These great athletes are helping to give birthto the product prototypes from our workshops. Czech speleo-rescue and Kota 1000 test regularlyour caving gear. Equipment for Himalayan adventures is carried by expeditions of Pepa Simunek.Some functional solutions were developed with well-known Czech eyed handicappedclimbers. SINGING ROCK staff works closely with few adventure rope courses inCesky Raj and Krkonose; outcome of this development is aimed also atnon-climbing audience. New andoriginal solutions need to be protected by patents. Climbing and caving ropesutilizing Route44 technology or harness buckle system Rock&Lock, are twolatest examples of innovative approach of Singing Rock's design team. Ourinnovations can no way be labeled as just marketing gimmick. These are highlyfunctional solutions that are making climbers happy. Sales presentation andtechnological ability are putting Singing Rock amongst market leaders. We are having purejoy of bringing fresh air in our interesting industry