2018年12月3日至12月16日 意大利Jam Session滑雪中国营!
滑雪是什么? 对于一些人来说,滑雪,是一场永不落幕的筵席; 或者,滑雪是自身能力的证明,是挑战极限的勇气; 或者,滑雪是独舞,节奏和力量,优雅而美丽; 或者,滑雪是对话,在大山的脚下,在静静的树林,听每一片雪花飘落的声音; 或者,滑雪是恐惧,在崩裂的雪崩遗迹前缓慢通过,在山脊的冰面滑坠,在冰裂缝前踌躇,在山崖的顶端进退两难; 当然,还有在克服了恐惧之后,难以言喻的喜悦! 当然,对于滑雪,一定还有另外的解释。
1986年,22岁的意大利青年瓦雷里奥学成回家,和他的两个兄弟一起创办滑雪学院。除了滑雪以外,兄弟三人还沉迷爵士乐,所以他们称这个新生的滑雪组织为”Jam Session”,意思是爵士乐的即兴演奏。 爵士乐即兴演奏融合了不同知识、观点的碰撞,音乐主题精彩纷呈,音乐家的出色表演和音乐内涵交相映衬。马费托三兄弟希望将这一概念应用于滑雪,为学生们提供一群“特殊”的专才,这些专才知道如何让学生感到他们“滑雪很棒”,让他们在乐趣中最大程度学习滑雪技巧。
按照这个理念,Jam Session三十多年潜心研究滑雪教学方法,培养了一批高质量教练,形成有效的教学原型,尤其是在滑雪高阶技术晋级领域。
Jam Session滑雪教学的优势在于擅长解释和沟通基本技术概念,提供个性化认知及运动理念,将雪上教学和课堂有效结合。Jam Session深入研究滑雪运动的本质,确保学员可以在娱乐之中快速学习。该课程以一种“完全浸入式”进行,尤其适应那些中级水平以上的学员以及迫切希望提高技能的滑雪者。
Jam Session将零基础到非竞技最高水平滑雪教程分为13个等级,评估标准是从0至1000分。参加该课程的基本要求是达到150分,该分值表示滑雪者可以自信使用双板平行滑雪。“最高”水平是1000分,这是意大利滑雪教练需要的分值。分值在900-1000之间通常意味着滑雪者有很强的滑雪天赋和良好的滑雪经历,或至少可进行竞技滑雪。
Jam Session教学活动时间一般在夏季和冬季,在阿尔卑斯山区;冬季在摩德纳迪-坎皮格里奥(意大利);冬季和夏季在Les 2 Alpes(法国);秋季在斯杜拜(奥地利)。从每年的12月10日至次年3月15日期间,Jam Session在意大利24个地区组织75期,每期3天的集训课程,课程实施的雪场包括:普拉托、Artesina、塞斯特雷、皮拉、切尔维尼亚、马德西莫、蓬泰迪莱尼奥、摩德纳迪-坎皮格里奥、拉波尔萨、伏尔加利亚、帕皮阿格、Selva Gardena、阿尔塔巴迪亚, Kronplatz, Cortina, Zoldo, Zoncolan, 塔尔维西奥、阿贝、 奇莫尼、Sassotetto、Monte Piselli、帝王台、奥温多利、罗卡拉索。
Jam Session致力于推广高山滑雪技术,近年来,Jam Session在专业滑雪杂志上发表约200篇技术论文,在youtube.com、lagrandeneve.tv和neveitalia.it上有近150项“Jam Session Check Point”视频课程。
Jam Session 全体员工,向热情的中国滑雪者致以特殊的问候,并邀请您于12月上旬参加在Jam Session首次在中国举行的滑雪课程。
Jam Session教练的精彩滑行视频
Jam Session主教练
瓦雷里奥.马费托 (Valerio Malfatto)
Birth: 31/03/1954– Millesimo (Sv) – Liguria – Italy
Residence: Civitanova Marche (Mc) – Marche – Italy 出生日期及出生地:1954年3月31日 – 米莱西莫(萨沃纳) - 利古里亚 – 意大利 住址:奇维塔诺瓦马尔凯(马尔凯) - 马尔凯 – 意大利
Key Facts: 主要成绩:
Ski Instructor 3° degree in 1974 1974年滑雪教练3°学位 Ski Instructor 2° degree in 1975 1975年滑雪教练2°学位 Ski Instructor 1° degree in 1976 1976年滑雪教练1°学位 Degree in Architecture – Politecnico University of Turin – 1980 1980年 - 建筑学学位 –都灵理工大学 Federal Trainer from 1984 1984年起任联邦培训师 National Instructor (Ski Instructors’ trainer) from1984 to 1992 1984年~1992年任国际教练(滑雪教练的培训师) Responsible for training Italian Ski Instructors from1986 to 1992 1986年~1992年负责培训意大利滑雪教练 Founder of Jam Session Ski Academy in 1986; President of Jam Session Ski Academy from 1986 to 2018 1986年创办Jam Session 滑雪学院;1986年~2018年,任Jam Session 滑雪学院校长 Technical consultant for the production of the “SkiMaster” simulator 任“滑雪能手”模拟器制作的技术顾问 Organizing stages of the Italian ski technique in Japan and Korea in 1989-’90-’91-‘92 1989年、1990年、1991年、1992年在日本和韩国组织意大利滑雪技巧表演 Author of the 1st digital interactive skicourse CD-ROM “Sciare con Ritmo” (Skiing with Rithm) in1997 1997年,出版第一届数字互动滑雪课程CD-ROM“Sciare con Ritmo”(跟着节奏滑雪) Publisher of the “Web Marketing Tools” magazine from1998 to 2003 1998年~2003年出版杂志“网络营销工具” Author of the Check Point ski lessons – approx. 200videos available on YouTube and different ski portals - published from 1991 to2018 1991年~2018年出版Check Point滑雪课程 – 这些课程可以在视频网站YouTube和不同滑雪门户网站的近200个视频上搜索 Founder in 2011 of the “Italian Ski Academy” ski school in Madonna di Campiglio 2011年在摩德纳迪-坎皮格里奥创办“意大利滑雪学院” Authorof approx. 200 articles on ski technique for Sciare Magazine from 2003 to 2017 2003年~2017年为滑雪杂志撰写近200 篇关于滑雪技巧的文章 Creator of the Jam Session Tour Italia from 2009 to2018/19 – in 24 ski resorts 2009年~2018/2019年创建Jam Session意大利之旅 – 在24个滑雪胜地开展
1986年6月Valerio Malfatto与其兄弟Michele和Paolo一起创办Jam Sessions滑雪学院。 Valerio Malfatto一直致力于Jam Sessions的工作,使其具有鲜明特色,并创造了一种新的滑雪学校模式,这种模式特征之一是教育创新,并在那一地区广泛传播,特征之二是为寻求“巨大突破”的滑雪者一年四季提供“完全浸入式课程”。 自Jam Sessions创办以来,Valerio Malfatto一直负责技术传播、杂志文章撰写、教育活动和说教研究等方面的视频教程的策略制定、规划、营销、交流及制作。 Valerio Malfatto开发了2 Alpes(法国)地区冬季和夏季滑雪、斯杜拜(奥地利)秋季滑雪、摩德纳迪-坎皮格里奥(法国)冬季滑雪和切尔维尼亚(意大利)春季滑雪的滑雪学校活动和酒店接待; Valerio Malfatto创建的Jam Session之旅,将于2019年在北部和中部/南部意大利10个不同地区的24个滑雪胜地展开。
Jam Session滑雪技术系统
Jam Session 13 classes correspond to 13 types of skiers, from the absolute beginner to the top-level skier carving in clear run.
Jam Session的13个分类等级分别对应13类滑雪者,从绝对初学者到拥有完美刻滑技术的顶级滑雪者。 In the0-1000 scale, the first five classes - from absolute beginner to parallel skiing, even if not with total confidence - are grouped in only 100 points;classes from 6 to 13 use the remaining 900 points.
在0-1000等级分的范围,前5类——从绝对初学者到平行式滑雪(即使没有完全的自信)——仅在100分内进行分组; 从6到13类则使用剩下的900分。 It takes just a little time to learn how to ski with parallel skis and on almost all piste: 20-30 days of skiing in total to reach level 4-5; 仅需要一点时间就可以学习如何使用平行式,在几乎所有雪道滑行:总共需要20-30天雪时,便可达到4-5级; To ski really well sometimes an entire lifetime is not enough and the road to better skiing isfull of discoveries, fun and great satisfaction. 通常,追求更好的滑雪水平,用整整一生的时间都不够,通往更高滑雪技术的道路充满了探索、乐趣和满足感。 Jam Session makes it clear that the great beauty of skiing begins after reached the parallel ski level. Jam Session清楚地表明滑雪的美妙之处往往在达到平行式滑雪水平后才刚刚开始。
Our 0-1000 classification aims at rewarding and incentivizing those who have the passion and the desire to continuously improve.
For those who are happy to reach level 4-5, we have a first scale from 0 to 100 points. For those who want to ski "really well" and want to improve more and more, the scale of ratings becomes very wide, from 101 up to 1000points.
This scale corresponds to the evolution of the skier towards the most advanced technique, includes many stimulating technical objectives and gratifies the student with ascore that grows visibly at every progress.
Jam Session wants to pass this message: Do not content to "go somehow down". Skiing really well is possible and it is asuperior pleasure: learning is a great pleasure in itself and it will accompany you in climbing up from 100 to 1000 points, and in giving the best of you inyour favorite sport. So unleash your desire to learn and ski the best! It willbe a great satisfaction at every step!
Jam Session希望传递这样的信息:不要满足于“只要滑下去就好”。滑雪滑得非常棒是有可能的,这是一种非常愉悦的乐趣:学习本身就是一种极大的乐趣,它将陪伴你从100分攀登到1000分,以及在你最喜欢的运动中展示最好的你。因此,释放你学习和滑雪的愿望吧!你的每一个进步,都将为你带来巨大的满足!
Jam Session levels 0-1000 (please find attached the “0-1000 Check Your Ski Level” logo): Jam Session等级0-1000(请附上“0-1000检查你的滑雪等级”标志):
0/10 - Speed control on beginners slope –getting familiar with sliding - changes of direction with confidence 0/10——初级道的速度控制——熟悉滑动——可自信地改变方向 11/20 - Snow plow turns on beginners slopewith ease and confidence 11/20——自信地在初级道犁式转弯 21/40 - Bringing the inside ski near to the external one at the end of the turn, during the turn, gradually from the turn’sstart 21/40——在转弯结束时、在转弯时、在转弯刚刚开始时,将内侧滑雪板靠近外部滑雪板 41/50 - First parallel ski turns on easypiste 41/50——在初级道第一次平行转弯 51/100 - A parallel ski on all the piste upto the red ones, but still with evident uncertainties 51/100——可在红道以下的雪道上使用双板平行式滑行,但仍有明显的不确定性 101-150 - At ease on all tracks (evenblack) without good technique 101-150 ——虽没有良好技术,但在所有雪道(甚至黑道)都能轻松驾驭 151-250 - Like 6), but with better technical awareness 151-250——如6),但具有更好的技术意识 251-450 - Increasing levels of agility, safe and more lively skiing, improvement of the carving technique 251-450——更加灵活性、安全和动态的滑雪,改进刻滑技术 451-550 - Good handling, even at good speedon medium gradients 451-550——良好的操控性,即使在中等坡度下也能保持良好的速度 551-650 - Advanced and cutting carving, evenon demanding terrain, correct set-ups, good execution levels 551-650——高级和刻滑技术,即使在复杂地形,还能够拥有正确的滑行状态,以及良好的执行力 651-750 - Like 10), but with greater brilliance, determination and adaptability 651-750——如10),但更出彩、具有更多的勇气和适应能力 751-900 - Sporty, versatile skiing, with absolute confidence even at high speeds 751-900——动态的、全面的滑行,即使在高速滑行时也有绝对信心 901-1000 – Top skiing, able to express inspeed and in every situation a brilliant technical adaptation, creativity, efficiency and elegance 901-1000——顶级滑雪,能够在速度和各种情况下表现出出色的技术适应性、创造力、效率和优雅
(Jam Session特为中国雪友翻译的Check point视频“FROM WALL TO WALL”)
2018年秋季分析中国雪友滑行视频 Jam Session技术小结
Dear friends!
朋友们! Jam Session wants to thank you for your participation with your videos! Jam Session感谢大家参与提交滑雪视频! We appreciated the great passion, the great attention to the technique and your strong will toimprove your skiing. 我们赞赏:你们表现出来的热情,对于技术的关注,以及改善自己滑行技能的追求。 In the first 60 videos we were able to evaluate different levels and different ages. 在第一批提交的这60个视频中,基于对不同水平,不同年龄滑雪者的技术评价如下: In the intermediate skiers, we appreciated a strong focus and disciplinein the chest position. 对于中级水平滑雪者,我们认为,需要重点关注和练习胸部的位置 In the advanced skiers, we found different ways in the trunk and in thearms usage, as well as different skills in gripping. In some cases, ankles rigidity and a static skiing. 对于更高水平的滑雪者,我们发现不同的身体姿态和手臂使用方式,对应于不同的抓雪技能。在某些案例中,脚踝僵硬而不灵活。 In the most expert skiers, we noticed a good level, but with some passivity in the exchange phase and at the beginning of the turn. In some cases, a too emphasized vertical movement and too emphasized basin movements. 对于专家级的滑雪者,我们看到了很高的水平,但是,在转换阶段的被动型产生于弯儿开始的部分。在某些案例中,垂直方向的动作过于强烈,骨盆的动作过于强烈。 In the athletes, a pretty good technique, but limited focus on speed. 对于运动员,非常好的技术,但技术重点要多放在速度上。
Generally speaking, the motions and the technical problems are the very same that we can see the skiers of any levels all over the world. 总体来言,动作和技术问题都是极其相似的,适用于世界上所有水平的滑雪者。
We believe that all skiers in the world tend to focus too much on chest, on arms and on basin. In the schools around the world it is actually mentioned that feet are important, but at the end of the day, only few focus on them. They tend to look for feet effectiveness through corrections directed to the upper part of the body. Jam Session believes that at everystep it is necessary to always start from the feet, and to connect them to allother possible issues, that are different and specific for each level.
我们认为世界上所有的滑雪者,将关注点过于集中于如胸部,手臂,骨盆。在世界上很多学校,确实强调脚部的重要性,但是在每一天滑雪结束时,只给予脚部一点点关注。他们倾向于在修正上身朝向的练习中,提高脚部的效率。Jam Session相信所有滑雪步骤都必然最先由脚部开始,然后连接并导向所有可能的出口,出口的不同和特殊性对应于不同的滑雪水平。
We want you to focus on feet, ankles, muscular tensions. Balance dependson feet. It is necessary to understand how feet should work, to learn how tofeel them, to think to the feet instead of thinking to the other parts of thebody. Body will balance as a consequence. 我们希望你关注于脚,脚踝,肌肉紧张度。平衡依赖于脚。我们很有必要了解脚如何工作,学会感觉它们,先要考虑脚部问题而不是去想身体的其他部位。身体建立的平衡是一个结果。 We want you to focus on the direction of the action and on the timing: you need to learn how to choose in advance where you want to go, with which intensity and with which progression. 我们希望你关注动作的方向和时机:你需要学会预先选择你下一步的滑行目的,以及相对应的动作强弱和采取怎样的步骤。 In the turn there is a strong drop of altitude. You need to learn how to look it, how to want it, how to perceive it and how to manage it. 在转弯时,你会受到很强的重力作用力。你需要学会如何看到它,怎样期待它,怎么理解它,以及如何控制它。 We want you to ski well, with a confident skiing and a natural, not artificial beauty. You should not look for style without substance. 我们希望你滑的更好,使用滑雪技能更自信,更自然,而不造作。在没有掌握本质内容之前,不需要考虑形式风格上的问题。
The “request” and the “instructions” for the balance come from the feet. From them, the muscles that create the balance are called. A baby learns how to walk using the foot. No one would teach a baby how to walk starting from teaching him how to use arms and chest. 有关平衡的“反馈”和“指示”来自于脚部。从脚部开始,肌肉平衡被唤醒。婴儿学步从脚部开始。没有人会教孩子学步让他先从使用手臂和胸部开始。
Let’s not think about style, about form. Parents would not ask the soccer or ping pong trainer to teach style. Let’s focus on the effectiveness of the gesture, and our style will come out spontaneously. And it will be the best possible for us. 让我们不要考虑形式风格问题。父母送孩子学运动,不会问足球或乒乓球教练有关形式风格的问题。让我们关注于动作的效果,我们的滑行风格会自然而然地产生,这也是最好的结果。
Let’s aim atspeed. It is not, and it should not be, the final target, unless of the athletes. But speed is the best teacher for any skier: the most skilled one, the most severe and the most sincere! 让我们关注速度。和运动员不一样,对于我们,速度不是,而且也不应该是最终的目标。但是,对所有滑雪者来说,速度是最好的老师:更专业,更严格,更真实!
(Jam Session教练Gianluca Branciaroli室内练习视频)
2018年12月3日至12月16日 意大利Jam Session滑雪中国营!
1.卡宾基础训练营、卡宾专家训练营日程(三日) Jam Session FIM3 - "FULLIMMMERSION NO-RACE” (3 days)
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Video shoot middle-size turns视频拍摄:中弯 Video shoot short and rhythmicturns视频拍摄:小弯及节奏 Technical briefing on the piste– definition of the goals雪上技术汇总-设定目标 Start of technical work – Feet– Feelings – Muscular tensions – Exercises to understand carving开始技术工作-脚-感觉-肌肉紧张性-练习理解卡宾技术 Technical briefing on the piste- First technical wrap-up雪上技术小结-第一次技术总结
1:00pm – 1:30pm - Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息 Back to work on the piste回到雪上 Exercises to understand body’sposition and attitude – Feet/Knees/Basin/Shoulders/Gaze练习理解身体位置及姿态-脚/膝盖/骨盆/肩膀/视野 Video shoot middle-size turns视频拍摄:中弯 Video shoot short and rhythmicturns视频拍摄:小弯及节奏 4:00pm - End of the work on thepiste下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Exercises in the gym – target setting for the 2nd day下午4点到6点-视频分析-室内演示练习-设定第二天目标
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Technical briefing on the piste– reminding the targets雪上技术汇总-目标回顾 Start of the technical work –Exercises of agility and coordination开始技术工作-灵活性及协调性训练 Technical briefing on the piste– End of the morning wrap-up雪上技术回顾-完成上午的技术小结
1:00pm – 1:30pm - Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息 Back to work on the piste回到雪上 Exercises on feelings –Executive timings – Intensity on short turns练习感觉-恰当的时机-小弯 Exercises on feelings – Executivetimings – Intensity on middle and large turns练习感觉-恰当的时机-中弯及大弯 Video shoot short and rhythmicturns视频拍摄:有节奏的弯 Video shoot middle-size turns视频拍摄:中弯 4:00pm - End of the work on thepiste下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Exercises in the gym – target setting for the 3rd day下午4点到6点-视频分析-室内演示练习-设定第三天目标
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Technical briefing on the piste– reminding the targets雪上技术汇总-目标回顾 Start of the technical work –Executive timings开始技术工作-时机的把握 Technical briefing on the piste– End of the morning wrap-up雪上技术回顾-完成上午的技术小结
1:00pm – 1:30pm - Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息 Back to work on the piste回到雪上 Exercises of fine tuning shortturns练习滑出更好的小弯 Exercises of fine tuning middleand large turns练习滑出更好的中弯和大弯 Final test (exam)最终测试 Video shoot middle-size turns视频拍摄:中弯 Video shoot short and rhythmicturns视频拍摄:小弯及有节奏的弯 Video shoot free run(alternating and free chaining of different sizes' turns) 视频拍摄:自由滑(可交替自由转换不同大小的弯) 4:00pm - End of the works onthe piste 下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm - 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Final balance - Award ceremony下午4点到6点-视频分析-最终评价-奖品及证书授予
2.卡宾竞技旗门训练营日程(三日) Jam Session RACE3 -"Race Training" (3 days)
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Video shoot free skiing - GiantSlalom high-speed turns (GS) 视频拍摄自由滑:高速大回转(GS) Video shoot GS 12-15 gates视频拍摄GS:12-15旗门 Technical briefing on the piste– Technique and goals GS雪上技术汇总-GS技术及目标 Technical work 1 – Trajectories– Action’s direction技术工作1-轨迹-运动方向 Technical work 2 – Cuttingaction - Attitudes 技术工作2-刻滑动作-姿态 Technical briefing on the piste- First technical wrap-up雪上技术小结-第一次技术总结
1:00pm – 1:30pm Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息 Back to work on the piste回到雪上 Technical work 3 - Nike Turn –Execution timings技术工作3-Nike弯-时机 Video shoot Free Piste (notgates) GS high-speed turns视频拍摄(无旗门): 高速大回转(GS) Video shoot GS 12-15 gates视频拍摄GS:12-15旗门 4:00pm End of the works on thepiste下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Personal goals in GS下午4点到6点-视频分析--设定个人GS目标
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Video shoot free skiing onpiste Special Slalom turns (SL) 视频拍摄自由滑:特殊的小回转(SL) Video shoot SL - 25 gates视频拍摄:SL25旗门 Technical briefing on the piste– Technique and goals SL雪上技术汇总-SL技术及目标 Technical work 1 – Agility andcoordination exercises – Short runs using small gates技术工作1-灵活性及协调性训练-小门短滑 Technical work 2 – Feelings –Executive timings – Intensity in the short turns技术工作2-感觉-时机-小回转 Technical briefing on the piste– End of the morning wrap-up雪上技术回顾-完成上午的技术小结
1:00pm – 1:30pm Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息 Back to work on the piste回到雪上 Technical work 3 – regulargates – coordination – mixed run short and regular gates技术工作3-固定间距旗门-协调性-混合滑短距离固定间距旗门 Video shoot short and rhythmedturns视频拍摄:短及有节奏的弯 Video shoot SL mixed run shortand regular gates – 25 gates视频拍摄:SL混合滑行短距离固定间距旗门 4:00pm End of the works on thepiste下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Personal goals in SL下午4点到6点-视频分析--设定个人SL目标
Warm-up without skis不穿板热身 Warm-up runs热身 Technical briefing on the piste– Reminding the goals雪上技术汇总-回顾目标 Technical work SL – Repeatedruns with regular gates SL技术工作-固定间距旗门重复滑行
Video shoot SL – Chrono 30gates视频拍摄:SL-30旗门 Technical briefing on the piste– End of the morning wrap-up雪上技术回顾-完成上午的技术小结
1:00pm – 1:30pm Short break下午1点到1点30分-午餐休息
Technical work GS – repeatedruns in GS track GS技术工作-固定间距旗门重复滑行 Video shoot GS – Chrono 20-25gates视频拍摄:SL-20-25旗门 4:00pm End of the works on the piste下午4点结束雪上工作 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Videoanalysis – Final balance GS/SL – Award ceremony GS/SL下午4点到6点-视频分析-最终评价GS/SL-GS/SL奖品及证书授予