Sept 11, 2011 5500m intermediate camp, acclimatize hike to 6000m Wake up to find rock slippery covered with thin ice. Hiked up to 6000m in low visibility. Tomorrow is moon festival. Tonight’s moon is very clear and had an orange ring. The whole plateau is clear that headlight is not needed at all at mid night. 9月11日 在5500米过度营地,徒步到6000米处训练 早上起来,外面的石头上都覆盖一层薄冰,滑滑的。能见度很低。我们延山脊徒步到6000米处训练。感觉良好。 明天是中秋节。今夜的月亮好清晰,套着一圈橘黄色的晕。半夜出去不用头灯也可一览无遗。 |