9月12日 中秋节
从5500米过度营地搬家到5700米Pungpa Ri ABC
低估了两个营地间的距离,我们下午4点才动身。先要下一个长长的陡坡,全是大大小小的碎石,很难走。加上背着重装,不得不分外小心翼翼。 下了大约150米后到达谷底,然后还得到冰川对面再爬上去,还是同样的碎石坡。神经很紧张,完全谈不上乐趣。有的队友禁不住开始抱怨,“我们这是干嘛来了?”
Sept 12, 2011 Moon Festival
Move from 5500m Intermediate camp to 5700m ABC
We left too late (4pm), not knowing how far is the hike. Descending down the steep screed slope, we dropped 150m altitude from 5550 to 5400 at the base of valley. Even hardcore mountaineers started cursing, “why we climb?” Such kind of hiking is really not anyone’s favorite.
Going up hill, I started in the wrong path. It’s not a good idea to head up the hill on big boulders. Smaller boulders are safer.
As we were near the top of ridge, I saw four persons through the clouds over the ridge. Our first reaction is “no way, they must be ghosts”, as they appeared again, someone cursed “what the fuck!” It turned out that these are four Nepalese Sherpa for the 2 Korean and 2 Swiss climbers. They arrived at BC yesterday. The Sherpas just did a carry to ABC today via the valley way.
It’s really a long way after the ridge that we didn’t arrive at ABC until after 8pm. A lot of interesting plants at 5700m! It’s amazing! They are so perfect!
Cloudy night, no moon. Snow.