Chris Sharma Does Wanderlust
by Prana Living
1 year ago 1 year ago: Sat, Aug 21, 2010 4:12am EST (Eastern Standard Time)
What happens when one of the world's greatest climbers dives head first into yoga, music and nature at Wanderlust...
Chris Sharma is widely considered the best climber in the world and has been part of the prAna family for the vast majority of his career. Chris
’s meteoric climbing career started when he won the Bouldering Nationals at age 14 and opened the hardest climb in America (at the time, 5.14c)
a year later. In the decade that followed, he has continued to take climbing to a new level. Not only has he consistently shattered previous
conceptions of difficulty, he was recently voted 8a Climber of the Decade. He has sent multiple 5.15 routes, bouldered V15, onsighted 5.14b, and
established deep water solo routes at the highest grades. Chris holds claim to the current hardest route in America, and perhaps the world, with
his ascent of Jumbo Love at Clark Mountain in California. For the latest on Chris, visit him at prAna.com.