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发表于 2013-9-8 23:02:36 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-8 16:16:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Tecnica泰尼卡公司领队意大利美女Roby@泰尼卡中国,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO @MICO中国,以及意大利奥斯塔山谷大区赞助的四位中国参赛选手曾华锋(荒城V 、汪大清(奥巴巴)、金飞豹( 金飞豹走天涯) 、陈漱文(Power42195)在意大利时间96下午(北京时间97凌晨),到奥斯塔区拜访雕塑家Enrico massetto,他是巨人之旅奖牌的设计师,用当地最坚硬的桃木雕刻出12个尊2013年巨人之旅奖牌,分别是6个年龄段男女冠军。他们四位很幸运提前一周见到了这12尊最特别的奖牌,奥斯塔地区生命力最顽强的两种山羊,象征着TDG运动员顽强拼搏、尊重自然、生命不息的精神。Enrico最后很善解人意送给奥巴巴两件小木雕作品。
Thismorning, Roby, Tecnica China team leader for TDG, with 4 giants who are曾华锋(荒城V、汪大清(奥巴巴)、金飞豹( 金飞豹走天涯) 、陈漱文(Power42195that sponsored by @泰尼卡中国,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO @MICO中国and @意大利奥斯塔山谷大区, visited sculptor Enrico massettoin Valle d’ Aosta in the afternoon on 6th September 2013 (Earlymorning on7th September 2013), he is medal designer of Tour ofGiants, he carved 12 medals by mahogany for 2013 TDG, for 6 ages male andfemale champions. Our 4 were lucky to see these 12 special medals, 2 kinds ofthe most tenacious vitality goat in Valle d’ Aosta, the goat, a symbol of TDGathletes tenacious struggle, respect of nature, life spirit. Finally, kindEnrico gave 2 wood carving gift to Obaba.
上午我们的运动员们悠闲的在库马约尔享受生活,享受午餐,然后@极致玩家 团队采访了巨人之旅赛事组委会主席,世界越野联盟副主席:亚力山大•妮妸莱蒂。
Our athletes enjoyed life in Courmayeur, enjoyed lunch, after that theyinterviewed Chairman of TDG organizing committee, Vice Chairman of The WorldTrail Running League亚力山大妮妸莱蒂 with @极致玩家.

下午,体育中心排起长队,参加TDG的选手们都在等待着自己号码牌的发放!一千五百名志愿者保障了赛事的运行,、也包括和极致玩家工作人员一样的辛苦的媒体工作者! 他们的参赛号码是:曾华锋573号;汪大清1038号;金飞豹936号;陈漱文574号。另外一位大家熟悉的意大利帅哥Franco的号码:005
Afternoon,there was a long queue in Sports Centre, TDG athletes were waiting for their competitionnumber dispatch! There are 1,500 volunteers work for TDG, to guarantee thecontest regular operation, of course, there include media workers such as 极致玩家!Our athletes numbers are: 曾华锋No.573; 汪大清NO.1038; 金飞豹No.936;陈漱文No.574, another familiar athlete Franco, ourItalian handsome guy, his No. is 005.
(photo ofcontest bib numbers and bags)
Courmayeur Sports Centre, they just said farewellto UTMB athletes, now is welcoming TDG warriors participates!
During the night, all athletes joint togetherfor attending TDG official introduction meeting (technology explanation), ourfour Chinese athletes gathered together with global athletes! Enjoy a rarehappy atmosphere before the contest.

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