2014年4月1日海淘刚刚到手 FULL TILT TOM WALLISCH PRO MODEL鞋码双板雪鞋一双,鞋码26,硬度6 这个鞋最高就10 6是基本最舒服的,鞋楦宽度99mm。2014年4月2日,在家里客厅试穿了一下,感觉夹脚,考虑再三,自己可能需要105宽的,滑雪不能老让脚受伤,再买一双鞋楦宽的鞋。
Rubber layer inside the bottom of the shell absorbs vibrations, impact and shock for a smooth ride.
Ribs designed like a flexible straw to flex naturally with your ankle & eliminate shin bang. Buckle tightness also doesn’t affect flex.
Minimalistic 3-Piece design eliminates the need for thick heavy overlapping plastic or bolts for increased quickness & sensitivity, up to 2 lbs / 900g lighter than some alpine boots.
Super lightweight, on-the-fly single handed micro adjustment