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户外准则之一、事先计划和准备(Plan Ahead & Prepare)

发表于 2009-3-20 14:36:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<div><strong>一、事先计划和准备(Plan Ahead &amp; Prepare)</strong></div>
完善的旅行计划和准备有助于野外(也可指户外)旅行者安全和愉快地完成旅行的目标,同时最低程度地对土地造成损害。 <br />
Adequate trip planning and preparation helps backcountry travelers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably, while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land. <br />
<br />
<strong>旅行前的计划</strong> <br />
<strong>Pre-Trip Planning</strong> <br />
<br />
不好的计划经常导致露营者陷入痛苦的状况并伤害自然和文化资源。从护林管理员那里经常可以听到有关露营者以下的遭遇:由于计划的不完善及意想不到的情形,致使未开发的景区资源蜕化及使自己处于危险的状态。 <br />
Poor planning often results in miserable campers and damage to natural and cultural resources. Rangers often tell stories of campers they have encountered who, because of poor planning and unexpected conditions, degrade backcountry resources and put themselves at risk. <br />
<br />
<strong>为什么旅行计划很重要?</strong>你也许想为下面的列表增加更多的答案: <br />
<strong>Why is Trip Planning Important? </strong>You may want to add additional answers to this list: <br />
<br />
<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">它确保团队及个人的安全。 <br />
它将使你为&ldquo;不留痕迹&rdquo;(即:只留下背影和回忆,也指可循环再生的物品的使用)作好准备,并最大限度地保护资源 <br />
它将有助于你愉快地完成旅行目标 <br />
它将增强和增加你了解大自然的自信心及机会 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">It helps ensure the safety of groups and individuals. <br />
It prepares you to Leave No Trace and minimizes resource damage. <br />
It contributes to accomplishing trip goals safely and enjoyably. <br />
It increases self-confidence and opportunities for learning more about nature. </font></blockquote><strong>旅行前需考虑的七种要素</strong> <br />
<strong>Seven Elements to Consider When Planning a Trip</strong> <br />
<br />
<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">确定及标明你预期的旅行目标 <br />
确定旅行参与者的技能及能力 <br />
选择与你目标、技能、能力匹配的目的地 <br />
从目的地管理处、相关规划及文献中收集相关的资料 <br />
挑选舒适、安全、环保性能好的装备及衣服 <br />
旅行中的活动要与你的目标、技能、能力相匹配 <br />
评估本次的旅行,记录下次旅行将改变的做法 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">Identify and record the goals (expectations) of your trip. <br />
Identify the skill and ability of trip participants. <br />
Select destinations that match your goals, skills, and abilities <br />
Gain knowledge of the area you plan to visit from land managers, maps, and literature. <br />
Choose equipment and clothing for comfort, safety, and Leave No Trace qualities. <br />
Plan trip activities to match your goals, skills, and abilities. <br />
Evaluate your trip upon return note changes you will make next time. </font></blockquote><strong>其它需考虑的因素:</strong>旅行计划时你也许对以下内容有自己的看法: <br />
<strong>Other Elements to Consider</strong>: When Planning a Trip You may want to add your own ideas to this list: <br />
<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">天气 <br />
地形 <br />
规章及限制 <br />
私人土地分界线 <br />
各分组平均徒步速度及相应的食物消耗量(剩余将造成浪费并人为制造垃圾,即留下痕迹!) <br />
队伍大小(是否符合规章、旅行的目的和&ldquo;不留痕迹&rdquo;的各项标准) <br />
其他&ldquo;不留痕迹&rdquo;的原则 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">weather <br />
terrain <br />
regulations/restrictions <br />
private land boundaries <br />
average hiking speed of group n anticipated food consumption (leftovers create waste which leaves a trace!) <br />
group size (does it meet regulations, trip purpose and Leave No Trace criteria?) <br />
all Leave No Trace principles </font></blockquote><strong>用餐计划:</strong>用餐是另旅行计划的一个重要的因素,它将对野外活动的团队有深远的影响 <br />
<strong>Meal Planning</strong>: Meals are another element to trip planning that can have a profound effect on the impact a group has on a backcountry area. <br />
<br />
<strong>好的用餐计划所带来的好处:</strong> <br />
<strong>Benefits of Good Meal Planning:</strong> <br />
<br />
<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">减少垃圾 <br />
减轻背包重量从而加快步行速度及降低疲劳 <br />
节省在营火的烹煮工作量 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">Reduced trash. <br />
Reduced pack weight, resulting in faster hiking times and less fatigue. <br />
Reduced dependence upon campfires for cooking. </font></blockquote><br />
<strong>一罐食物和重新包装食物</strong> <br />
<strong>One-Pot Meals and Food Repackaging:</strong> <br />
<br />
计 划一罐食物和轻包装的小吃,只需要最小的包装和准备时间,减轻负重和减少垃圾。一罐食物只要求最小的烹饪器具并减少对营火的需求。如果你有两个大的罐子, 两个旅行炉头能为一个大队伍烹饪所有食物。(如果需要快速加热,一个大罐子能摆放在两个炉头的上)。牢记,炉子能&ldquo;不留痕迹&rdquo; <br />
Planning for one-pot meals and light weight snacks requires a minimum of packing and preparation time, lightens loads and decreases garbage. One-pot meals require minimal cooking utensils and eliminate the need for a campfire. Two backpack stoves can be used to cook all meals for large groups if you have two large pots (one large pot can be balanced on two stoves when quick heating is desired). Remember, a stove Leaves No Trace. <br />
<br />
在打包之前,大部分食物应该从原始的商业包装中取出放在密封袋中。密封袋能保护食物并减少零碎和垃圾。空带子可以相互套起来并带回在家里重用。这种方法能减少你的队伍在旅途结束时必须带回的垃圾数量,并减少不必要的隐藏或掩埋不需要的垃圾。 <br />
Most food should be removed from its commercial packing and placed in sealable bags before packing your backpacks. Sealable bags secure food and reduce bulk and garbage. Empty bags can be placed inside each other and packed out for reuse at home. This method can reduce the amount of garbage your group must pack out at the end of the trip and eliminate the undesirable need of stashing or burying unwanted trash. <br />
<br />
<strong>一些旅行计划不足所致后果的例子</strong> <br />
<strong>What are Some Examples of the Results of Poor Trip Planning? </strong><br />
<br />
<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">缺乏经验的队伍或者对当地地理环境不熟悉,穿过易发生洪水的地方或者沿易发生雷击的山脊行进时,都可能产生危险。组队旅行在干旱地区经常会由于没有足够的水或没有从自然资源中找到净化的水而失败。与当地的土地管理人员确认,并仔细研究地图和天气状况,能减少风险。 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">A group that is inexperienced or unfamiliar with the geography of an area may put people at risk by traveling through areas susceptible to flash floods or along ridge tops vulnerable to lightning activity. Groups traveling arid lands often fail to carry adequate water or a way of purifying water from natural sources. Checking with local land managers and studying maps and weather conditions can contribute to a low-risk existence. </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">一个准备不足的队伍也许计划用营火烹饪食物,但到目的地时却发现禁火令在实施或者柴火不足。这样的队伍因为没有备选方案,经常打破法律点火或者简单地损害环境。禁火令和缺乏柴火表明这些地方正经历着过度使用的持续的影响。 </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">A poorly prepared group may plan to cook meals over a campfire only to discover upon arrival at their destination that a fire ban is in effect or that firewood is in scarce supply. Such groups often build a fire anyway breaking the law or impacting the land simply because they have not planned for alternatives. Fire bans and scarce wood supplies are signs that an area is experiencing the cumulative effects of heavy recreation use. </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">一个没有很好旅行准备的队伍也许不能象计划中的速度行进。地形也许过于陡峭或者路程过于起伏。这些队伍通常会比较迟扎营,有时会选择不安全的地方。差的营地选择通常导致不必要的资源伤害。而且,这些队伍也许再也到达不了他们计划的目的地。 </font></blockquote><blockquote>
<p><font color="#0000a0">A group that has failed to develop good travel plans may be unable to travel as fast as ex ed. The terrain may be too steep or the trails too rugged. These groups often resort to setting up camp late at night, sometimes in an unsafe location. Poor campsite selection usually leads to unnecessary resource damage. In addition, the group may never even reach their planned destination.</font></p>
发表于 2012-7-6 06:59:27 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-20 11:40:41 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-7-7 00:57:50 | 只看该作者

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