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户外准则之二、在耐久的地面行进和扎营(Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces)

发表于 2009-3-20 14:38:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<div><strong>二、在耐久的地面行进和扎营(Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces)</strong></div>
<strong>在耐久的地面行进:</strong>野外行进的目标是通过野外同时避免伤害大地。有必要了解行进如何对地面产生影响以达到这个目标。 <br />
<strong>Travel on Durable Surfaces: </strong>The goal of backcountry travel is to move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land. Understanding how travel causes impacts is necessary to accomplish this goal. <br />
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当植被或生物群落被过分践踏而不能恢复,行进将导致的伤害。贫瘠的土地往往导致土壤的侵蚀出现不期望的痕迹。野外行进包括在小径上和小径以外通过。 <br />
Travel damage occurs when surface vegetation or communities of organisms are trampled beyond recovery. The resulting barren area leads to soil erosion and the development of undesirable trails. Backcountry travel may involve travel over both trails and off-trail areas. <br />
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<strong>在小路上行进:</strong>在 过度使用的区域行进时将活动聚集。土地管理处在野外建造小路,给旅行者提供容易辨认的路以聚集践踏和承载大量人员通过。人工建造的小路本身对大地有影响。但是,它们对人们野外行进是需要的。在小径上集中的行进减少产生并留下多条路径的可能性。拥有一条很好设计的小径要好过多条选择不合适的小路。 <br />
<strong>Travel on Trails: </strong>Concentrate Activities When Traveling in Heavily Used Areas Land management agencies construct trails in backcountry areas to provide identifiable routes that concentrate foot and stock traffic. Constructed trails are themselves an impact on the land; however, they are a necessary response to the fact that people travel in the back country. Concentrating travel on trails reduces the likelihood that multiple routes will develop and scar the landscape. It is better to have one well-designed route than many poorly chosen paths. <br />
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在任何可能时候,都推荐使用小路。鼓励旅行者在停留在小路宽度以内而不要在之字路(上山的Z字形路)上走捷径。在小路上休息时,旅行者应该为其他徒步者保留通过的空间。如果决定到小路以外休息,就必须遵循小路外行进的原则。 <br />
Trail use is recommended whenever possible. Encourage travelers to stay within the width of the trail and not short cut trail switchbacks (trail zigzags that climb hill sides). Travelers should provide space for other hikers if taking breaks along the trail. The principles of off-trail travel should be practiced if the decision is made to move off-trail for breaks. <br />
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(在同一组内的徒步者必须周期性的停下来休息和交流。避免在行进间大声沟通。高声的噪音在自然环境下是不受欢迎的。) <br />
(Hikers in the same group should periodically stop to rest and talk. Avoid shouting to communicate while hiking. Loud noises usually are not welcome in natural areas.) <br />
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<strong>在路径以外行进</strong>:在原生地区扩散使用和影响(一些沙漠地区除 外)。所有不使用已经设计好的小路的行进,如行进到遥远的地区、寻找一个隐秘的厕所和在营地周围勘探都被定义为路径以外的行进。路径以外行进在两个基本要素上会增强影响大地:地表和植被的耐久性,以及行进的频度(或者小组的人数)。 <br />
<strong>Travel Off-trail: </strong>Spread Use and Impact in Pristine Areas (except in some desert areas) All travel that does not utilize a designed trail such as travel to remote areas, searches for bathroom privacy, and explorations near and around campsites is defined as off-trail. Two primary factors increase how off-trail travel affects the land: durability of surfaces and vegetation, and frequency of travel (or group size). <br />
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耐久性是地表或者植被抵挡损伤或保持稳定状态的能力。 <br />
Durability refers to the ability of surfaces or vegetation to withstand wear or remain in a stable condition. <br />
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频繁使用和大队人员增加大面积区域被践踏或一个小的区域被多次践踏。 <br />
Frequency of use and large group size increase the like hood that a large area will be trampled, or that a small area will be tram pled multiple times. <br />
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<strong>地表的耐久力</strong>:耐久力是需要所有野外旅行者懂得的一个重要概念。以下的自然地表对野外行进有不同的反应。 <br />
<strong>Surface Durability: </strong>The concept of durability is an important one for all backcountry travelers to understand. The following natural surfaces respond differently to backcountry travel. <br />
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<blockquote><font color="#0000a0">岩石,沙子和碎石路:这些地表有高度的耐久力,能忍受重复的践踏和擦磨(然而,生长在岩石的青苔却很脆弱经不起重复的擦磨)<br />
</font><font color="#0000a0">Rock, sand and gravel: These surfaces are highly durable and can tolerate repeated trampling and scuffing. (However, lichens that grow on rocks are vulnerable to repeated scuffing). </font></blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">冰雪:如果做了很好的安全预防措施,而且雪地足够厚,可以保护住下面的植被,那么行走通过雪地是很好的选择,它对地表的影响只是暂时性的。 <br />
</font><font color="#0000a0">Ice and snow: The effect of travel across these surfaces is temporary, making them good choices for travel assuming good safety precautions are followed and the snow layer is of sufficient depth to prevent vegetation damage. </font></blockquote><blockquote>
<p><font color="#0000a0">植被:不同的植被对践踏的抵抗力是不同的。当要通过植被时,要作出仔细的决定,选择耐践踏的或容易躲 过的稀疏的植被的区域。干草通常耐践踏。湿地和其他脆弱的植被很快地露出践踏对它们的影响。践踏会引导后来者沿着同一条路线行进,引出不希望的小路来。作为一条总的规则,那些必须冒险经过无痕迹区域的旅行者们应该分散行走,以免踏出小路,而这些小路会鼓励其他人跟着走。任何可能的时候,都要避免经过植被, 尤其是陡坡上,那儿的无痕迹行走的影响尤为明显。 <br />
</font><font color="#0000a0">Vegetation: The resistance of vegetation to trampling varies. Careful decisions must be made when traveling across vegetation. Select areas of durable vegetation, or sparse vegetation that is easily avoided. Dry grasses tend to be resistant to trampling. Wet meadows and other fragile vegetation quickly show the effects of trampling. Trampling ensures new travelers to take the same route and leads to undesirable trail derailment. As a general rule, travelers who must venture off-trail should spread out to avoid creating paths that encourage others to follow. Avoid vegetation whenever possible, especially on steep slopes where the effects of off-trail travel are magnified. </font></p>
<p><font color="#0000a0">隐藏的植物表层:通常在沙漠环境里发现的隐藏的植物表层,对于行走来说是很脆弱的。隐藏的植物表层由 弱小的同生一处的植物组成,它们通常是颇黑的,不规则地生长在沙子表面。这表层能留住沙漠里的水汽,提供了一个保护层以防止土地被侵蚀。一个脚步就能破坏隐藏的植物。在这些区域里,行走在已成形的小路是很重要的。只有在绝对必须的时候,才能经过隐藏的植物表层。假如必须在小路以外行进,就在岩石上或其他耐 践踏的表层走。要在大面积的隐藏的植物表层通过,破坏是不可避免时,最好以六步的距离一个接一个,以使表层受的影响最少,这和经过植被的规则是完全相反的(在山地车经过的地方,隐藏的植物表层也是很脆弱的)<br />
</font><font color="#0000a0">Cryptobiotic crust: Cryptobiotic crust, found in desert environments, is extremely vulnerable to foot traffic. Cryptobiotic crust consists of tiny communities of organisms that appear as a blackish and irregular raised crust upon the sand. This crust retains moisture in desert climates and provides a protective layer preventing erosion. One footstep can destroy crypic crust. It is important to use developed trails in these areas. Travel across crypic crust should only be used when absolutely necessary. Walk on rocks or other durable surfaces if you must travel off-trail. In broad areas of crypic crust, where damage is unable, it is best to follow in one another six foot steps so the smallest area of crust is affected exactly the opposite rule from travel through vegetation. (Cryptobiotic crust is also extremely vulnerable to mountain bicycle travel.) </font></p>
</blockquote><blockquote><font color="#0000a0">沙漠里的水坑和泥泞的洞,对于在沙漠里所有的生物,水是很珍贵和稀小的资源。不要以任何方式穿过沙漠里的水坑和泥坑,或搅动表层水。洞穴也是弱小动物的家。<br />
</font><font color="#0000a0">Desert puddles and mud holes: Water is a preciously scarce resource for all living things in the desert. Don&rsquo;t walk through desert puddles, mud holes, or disturb surface water in any way. Potholes are also home to tiny desert animals. </font></blockquote>
<p><strong>在耐久的地表露营:</strong>选择一个合适的营地也许是降低对野外影响的最重要的一方面。它要求最大限度应用判断能力和信息,而且经常需要权衡 最小的生态和群居影响。决定在什么地方露营必须根据地域被使用的级别和类型而定,植被和土壤的脆弱性,野生动物的侵扰,评估以前活动的影响,以及你的队伍潜在的及需要避免的影响。 <br />
<strong>Camp on Durable Surfaces: </strong>Selecting an appropriate campsite is perhaps the most important aspect of low-impact back try use. It requires the greatest use of judgment and information and often involves making trade-offs between minimizing ecological and social impacts. A decision about where to camp should be based on information about the level and type of use in the area, the fragility of vegetation and soil, the likelihood of wildlife disturbance, an assessment of previous impacts, and your party s potential to cause or avoid impact. <br />
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<strong>在被高度使用的区域选择营地:</strong>避免靠近水源和小路扎营,选择一个其他人不能见到的地方。即 使在人很多的地区,一个很好隐蔽和离开小路的的营地能加强独处的感觉。离开水源露营给野生动物让一条取水的路。必须遵守营地选择相关的规章。在每天结束前保留足够的时间和体力选择合适的营地。疲劳、坏天气和延迟出发不是选择一个坏和脆弱营地的借口。 <br />
<strong>Choosing a Campsite in High-Use Areas: </strong>Avoid camping close to water and trails and select a site which is not visible to others. Even in popular areas the sense of solitude can be enhanced by screening campsites and choosing an out-of-the-way site. Camping away from the water&rsquo;s edge also allows access routes for wild life. Be sure to obey regulations related to campsite selection. Allow enough time and energy at the end of the day to select an appropriate site. Fatigue, bad weather, and late departure times are not acceptable excuses for choosing poor or fragile camp sites. <br />
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通常,最好在一个被高度影响的地方扎营,这样,小心的使用营地不会造成更大易见的影响。在流行的地区,这些营地很容易发现,因为他们已经没有植被覆盖。同样,可以寻找一个本来就很少植被的营地,如暴露的岩床或沙地。 <br />
Generally, it is best to camp on sites that are so highly impacted that further careful use will cause no noticeable impact. In popular areas, these sites are obvious because they have already lost their vegetation cover. Also, it is often possible to find a site which naturally lacks vegetation, such as exposed bedrock or sandy areas. <br />
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在高度影响的营地,帐篷、小路、烧煮区域必须集中在已经被影响的区域。这样做的目的是把对自然的影响限制在已经使用过的区域,避免扩大影响的区域。离开营地时,保证营地的干净、诱人,吸引着后来的露营的人。 <br />
On high-impact sites, tents, traffic routes, and kitchen areas should be concentrated on already impacted areas. The objective is to confine impact to places which already show use and avoid enlarging the area of disturbance. When leaving camp, make sure that it is clean, attractive, and appealing to other campers who follow. <br />
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<strong>在未被干扰的边远地区:</strong>原生的地方通常很远,很少来访者,而且没有明显的影响。进入这些特别的区域你必须保证并具有很高的&ldquo;不留痕迹&rdquo;的技能。 <br />
<strong>Camping in Undisturbed Remote Areas: </strong>Pristine areas are usually remote, see few visitors, and have no obvious impacts. Visit these special places only if you are committed to, and highly skilled in, Leave No Trace techniques. <br />
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<strong>在原生地区</strong>,最好把帐 篷分散,避免重复践踏的路,每晚移动营地。这样做的目的是最小话被践踏区域被影响的时间。扎营时,将帐篷分散开,在耐久的区域建立厨房。在营地周围穿比较软的鞋子。将厨房和背包放置处的活动减少到最小。在大石头的耐久表面上搭建厨房。行走时注意避免压折植被,在取水时走不同的路。使用大的盛水的容器以使取 水的次数减到最少。检查规则,在距离水源200英尺(成人70步)的距离露营是受称赞的规则。 <br />
<strong>In pristine sites </strong>it is best to spread out tents, avoid repetitive traffic routes, and move camp every night. The objective is to minimize the number of times any part of the site is trampled. In setting up camp, disperse tents and the kitchen on durable sites. Wear soft shoes around camp. Minimize activity around the kitchen and places where packs are stashed. The durable surfaces of large rock slabs make good kitchen sites. Watch where you walk to avoid crushing vegetation and take alternate paths to water. Minimize the number of trips to water by carrying water containers. Check regulations, but camping 200 feet (70 adult steps) from water is a good rule of thumb. <br />
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<strong>撤营的时候</strong>,花点时间使营地恢复原样。 <br />
用(松针之类)自然材料把地表踏痕掩盖,拂扫足迹,并用棍子把凌乱的草地加以梳理,把它恢复到像不曾驻营的样貌。这些做可以消除你驻营后的留下的选址痕迹,减少后来的旅者会与你在同一地点驻营的可能。因为同一原生地重复驻营次数越少,它就会较容易保持其原生状态。 <br />
在干燥的土地上驻营 <br />
在干燥的土地上驻营适宜找不易变形的地表,例如岩石和砂砾区,或是已经受严重破坏过的地面,使用该地也不会对地形有进一步的破坏。已受破坏的地段由于失去了植被的遮掩,或是岩土层被有意修整过变得很易显眼,如果选择这类地段,先确定该地点可以容纳你的整个团体驻营。 <br />
<strong>When breaking camp</strong>, take time to naturalize the site. Covering scuffed areas with native materials (such as pine needles), brushing out footprints, and raking matted grassy areas with a stick will help the site recover and make it less obvious as a campsite. This extra effort will help hide any indication where you camped and make it less likely that other back try travelers will camp in the same spot. The less often a pristine campsite is used the better chance it has of remaining pristine. <br />
Camping in Arid Lands The most appropriate campsites in arid lands are on durable surfaces, such as rock and gravel, or on sites that have been so highly impacted further use will cause no additional disturbance. Previously impacted sites are obvious because they have already lost their vegetation cover or the rocky soils have been visibly disturbed. If choosing this type of site, make sure your spot is large enough to accommodate your entire group. <br />
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<strong>在原生土地上驻营</strong>,应该找干燥没有植被并且易于恢复的 地段,像岩石,碎石或沙子质地的开阔地带就是很好的选择。驻营决不应该选址在&ldquo;cryptobiotic&rdquo;(隐生?)土壤区 , 植物丛生的岛区, 或在沙漠的溪流,水道分布的绿色带区。驻营还应留意在河床或附近可能会受到山洪暴发的影响。 <br />
<strong>A pristine campsite</strong>, with no evidence of previous use, is appropriate in arid lands provided it is on a non-vegetated, highly resistant surface. Expanses of rock, gravel or sand are all ex lent choices. It should never be necessary to camp on cryptobiotic soil, islands of vegetation, or within the precious green ribbons of desert creeks or streams. Beware when camping on sandy river bottoms and areas susceptible to flash floods. <br />
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<strong>煮食区、帐篷和背包</strong>等应该安排在岩石,沙子或砾石上。 <br />
在往返营房间走动应有意识地选择耐久的路线,避免形成小路。调整行走的路线,尽力减少对营地特定地区的践踏。在一个地方驻营停留不要超过两个晚上。 <br />
不 要扫除或清理地上的有机杂物,像落叶,尽可能少去移动岩石和沙砾。这些杂物有助於缓冲踩踏地面的力量,避免土壤的结块成形,释放植物营养物,而且减少降雨 的腐蚀。破坏长青苔层的岩石造成的显著破坏会持续长达数百年,废弃的公路就是明例。岩石一旦被翻转, 是很难恢复它原来的位置,而青苔和地藓在百年时间里无法再长成。 <br />
<strong>Cooking areas, tents and backpacks </strong>should be located on rock, sand, or gravel. Conscious y choose durable routes of travel between parts of your camp so that connecting trails do not develop. Vary your routes since the objective is to minimize the amount of trampling and compaction on any specific part of the campsite. Limit your stay to no more than two nights. <br />
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Never scrape away or clean sites of organic litter like leaves, and always minimize the removal of rocks and gravel. The organic litter will help to cushion trampling forces, limit the compactability of soils, release plant nutrients, and reduce the erosive forces of rainfall. Disturbing the lichen-coated and varnished rocks known as desert pavement can leave a visible impact for hundreds of years. Once overturned, these rocks are difficult to replace and the lichens and varnish will not grow back within our lifetime. <br />
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<strong>在River Corridor驻营</strong>: River corridors是指河流与陆地相连只有很小片可以展开活动空间的地段. 驻营地往往要事先安排计划好,通常位於海滩,沙洲或非植被区等涨潮水位线后的划定位置为好。 <br />
<strong>Camping in River Corridors: </strong>River corridors are narrow strips of land and water with little room to disperse human activities. Campsites are often designated. It is generally best to camp on established sites located on beaches, sandbars, or non-vegetated sites below the high-water line. </p>
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