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户外准则之四、发现的,留存原貌(Leave What You Find)

发表于 2009-3-20 15:00:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<div><strong>四、发现的,留存原貌(Leave What You Find)</strong></div>
<p>Allow others a sense of discovery by leaving rocks, plants, archaeology artifacts and other objects of interest as you find them.<br />
当你发现遗留的岩石、植物、古迹和其他有趣的东西时,让它留在原处,以便其他人也能拥有发现的感觉。 </p>
<p>The activities for this Leave No Trace principle deal with cultural artifacts; however, leave what you find involves many aspects of outdoor use. The following information addresses a variety of ways to respect natural settings.<br />
&ldquo;走过不留痕&rdquo;运动涉及文化遗产;然而,留存原貌包括户外技术的许多方面。下面的信息包含了尊重自然环境的许多方法。 </p>
<p><strong>Minimize Site Alterations:</strong> Leave areas as you found them. Do not dig trenches for tents or construct lean-tos, tables, chairs, or other rudimentary improvements. If you clear an area of surface rocks, twigs or pine cones, replace these items before leaving. On high impact sites, it is appropriate to clean up the site and dismantle inappropriate user-built facilities, such as multiple fire rings and constructed seats or tables. Consider the idea that good campsites are found and not made.<br />
<strong>使场所改变减到最小:</strong>保持地面如你所发现的,不要为了搭帐篷或建造披屋(只有一斜面屋顶的房子 &ndash; 译注)、桌子、椅子而挖沟或进行其它初始的改进。如果你清除了一块地表的岩石、树枝或松球,在离开前将它们回复原状。在一些外部干扰很大的地区,恰当的做法是清理地点,拆除不合适的人工设备,比如多个的行军灶和建造的凳子和桌子。记住好的营地是发现的而不是建造的。 </p>
<p>In many locations, properly-located and legally constructed facilities, such as a single fire ring, should be left. Dismantling them will cause additional impact because they will be rebuilt with new rocks and thus impact a new area. Learn to evaluate all situations you find.<br />
在许多场所,应当保留适当的设置和合法建造的设备,比如一个单个的行军灶。拆除这些设备会带来更大的影响,因为它们需要用新的岩石重新建造,这将影响一个新的区域。学习去评估你发现的所有情况。 </p>
<p><strong>Avoid Damaging Live Trees and Plants:</strong> Avoid hammering nails into trees for hanging things, hacking at them with hatchets and saws, or tying tent guy lines to trunksthus girdling the tree. Carving initials into trees is unacceptable. The cutting of boughs for use as sleeping pads creates minimal benefit and maximum impact. Invasive sleeping pads are available at stores catering to campers.<br />
避免损坏活的树木和植物:不要为了挂东西钉钉子到树上,不要用斧头和锯子乱砍树木,不要为了系住帐蓬而用绳子去绑在树上。雕刻姓名的起首字母在树上是不能接受的。把树枝砍下来垫着睡觉产生的利益极小但破坏极大。这种睡垫在户外用品店可以买到。 </p>
<p>Picking a few flowers does not seem like it would have any great impact and, if only a few flowers were picked, it wouldn&rsquo;t. But, if every visitor thought ll just take a few, a much more significant impact might result. Take a picture or sketch the flower instead of picking it. Experienced campers may enjoy an occasional edible plant, but they are careful not to deplete the surviving vegetation or disturb plants that are rare or are slow to reproduce.<br />
采一些花似乎不会产生大的影响。的确,如果只是摘一点花,是没有什么影响。但是如果每个人都这样想,就会带来十分明显的破坏。可以照张相或是画张速写,但 不要去摘花。经验丰富的野营者会享受偶然的可食植物,但是他们会小心不去用尽这些幸存的植物或是破坏珍稀的生长缓慢的植物。 </p>
<p><strong>Leave Natural Objects and Cultural Artifacts:</strong> Natural objects of beauty or interest such as antlers, petrified wood, or colored rocks add to the mood of the backcountry and should be left so others can experience a sense of discovery. In National Parks and some other areas it is illegal to remove natural objects.<br />
<strong>留存自然的物体和人文遗产:</strong>一些美丽有趣的天然物品,比如鹿角、木化石或彩色的石头,增加了原始遗址的风格,应该被留存下来,以使他人也能经历发现的乐趣。在国家公园和其他一些地方,移动自然物体是非法的。 </p>
<p>The same ethic is applicable to cultural artifacts found on public land. Cultural artifacts are protected by the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. It is illegal to remove or disturb archeological sites, historic sites, or artifacts such as pot sherds, arrowheads, structures, and even antique bottles found on public lands.<br />
同样的道德原则适用于在公共场所发现的文化遗产。文化遗产被考古资源保护行动协会所保护。取走或干扰考古学的地点、历史遗迹或史前遗产,例如壶的碎片、弓箭、建筑物,甚至公共场所发现的古代的瓶子,都是不合法的。 </p>
发表于 2012-7-6 06:58:38 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-7-7 00:58:35 | 只看该作者

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