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户外准则之五、低限度和低冲击的使用营火(Minimize Use & Impact From Fire)

发表于 2009-3-20 15:09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<div><strong>五、低限度和低冲击的使用营火(Minimize Use &amp; Impact From Fire)</strong></div>
<p><strong>火和炉具</strong> <br />
<strong>Fires vs. Stoves</strong> <br />
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营 火的运用,曾经是野外作饭和取暖的必要条件,在历史和传统上有过很多重要的记载。有些人甚至认为没有营火就不能称之为野营。因此生火成为每一个露营者的一 项重要技巧。然而,营火的过度使用已经使得许多地区的自然面貌遭到了破坏,并且造成对木材需求量不断增大。这时,质轻而高效的炉具的出现和发展鼓励人们改变原先传统的生火方式。炉具成为低冲击露营必不可少的装备之一。炉具的使用快捷、轻松,而且没有对宿营地木材是否够用的后顾之忧。它们可以在任何天气状况 下使用,并且不留下什么痕迹。 <br />
The use of campfires, once a necessity for cooking and warmth, is steeped in history and tradition. Some people would not think of camping without a campfire. Campfire building is also an important skill for every camper. Yet, the natural appearance of many areas has been degraded by the overuse of fires and an increasing demand for firewood. The development of light weight efficient camp stoves has encouraged a shift away from the traditional fire. Stoves have be come essential equipment for minimum-impact camping. They are fast, flexible, and eliminate firewood availability as a concern in campsite selection. Stoves operate in almost any weather condition, and they Leave No Trace. <br />
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<strong>你是否应该生火</strong> <br />
<strong>Should you build a fire?</strong> <br />
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生火时最应该考虑的是所做的是否会对野外造成潜在的长远的危害。 <br />
什么时候是生火的危险季节,那些地方是生火禁忌场所,是否有当地管理部门对管辖区的有关禁忌条例。 <br />
宿营地是否有足够的木材,消耗之后是否能为人察觉。 <br />
荒芜的山峰和土地沙化的增长是否对树和灌木意味着木材资源的再生不能跟上营火取材的需要。 <br />
队员是否能正确的按照不留痕迹的原则生造营火。 <br />
The most important consideration to be made when deciding to use a fire is the potential damage to the backcountry. <br />
What is the fire danger for the time of year and the location you have selected? n Are there administrative restrictions from the agency that administers the area? <br />
Is there sufficient wood so its removal will not be noticeable? <br />
Does the harshness of alpine and desert growing conditions for trees and shrubs mean that the regeneration of wood sources cannot keep pace with the demand for firewood? <br />
Do group members possess the skill to build a campfire that will Leave No Trace? <br />
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<strong>低冲击的生造营火</strong> <br />
<strong>Lessening Impacts When Campfires Are Used</strong> <br />
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生火宿营地一定要选在木材充裕的地方,不要选择在只有少量木材的高海拔以及被过度开发的地区,也不要在荒芜的环境生造营火。一次真正的不留痕迹的营火是不会留下任何被改变过的迹象。 <br />
Camp in areas where wood is abundant if building a fire. Choose not to have a fire in areas where there is little wood at higher elevations, in heavily used areas, or in desert settings. A true Leave No Trace fire shows no evidence of having been constructed. <br />
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是否产生火痕:最理想的营火地是在选好的宿营地附近不易产生火痕的地方。保持小火,在要用的时候加大燃烧。尽量让木材充分燃烧成灰壮,用水而不是用灰土熄灭火种,灰土也许不能完全扑灭它而留下残火。避免在完全裸露的地面生火,这样会产生黑色的疤痕残留很久。 <br />
Existing Fire Rings: The best place to build a fire is within an existing fire ring in a well-placed campsite. Keep the fire small and burning only for the time you are using it. Allow wood to burn completely to ash. Put out fires with water, not dirt. Dirt may not completely extinguish the fire. Avoid building fires next to rock out crops where the black scars will remain for many years. <br />
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<strong>土堆火:</strong>建造一个火堆或许会用到很多简单的工具:一把园丁铲,大的填充袋和一块大的铺布或者塑料垃圾袋。可以按下列方法生火: <br />
<strong>Mound Fire:</strong> Construction of a mound fire can be accomplished by using simple tools: a garden trowel, large stuff sack and a ground cloth or plastic garbage bag. To build this type of fire: <br />
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从已经破坏的地方收集有机土、沙子或者沙砾。倾倒的树木的树根洞 就是这样一个地方。在生火的地方平铺上一块地席,然后撒上沙土成一个圆形,覆盖的土层至少需3-5英寸厚,沙土的厚度对土地的隔热保护作用至关重要。使用地席或者垃圾袋只是为了更方便地清除火堆。沙土层应该比火堆的面积要大,有足够的空间加入燃料。堆火的好处在于它既够在平整暴露的岩石地面进行,又可以在 象干草落叶一样的有机物表面进行。 <br />
Collect some mineral soil, sand, or gravel from an already disturbed source. The root hole of a toppled tree is one such source. Lay a ground cloth on the fire site and then spread the soil into a circular, flat-topped mound at least 3 to 5 inches thick. The thickness of the mound is critical to insulate the ground below from the heat of the fire. The ground cloth or garbage bag is important only in that it makes cleaning up the fire much easier. The circumference of the mound should be larger than the size of the fire to allow for the the spreading of coals. The advantage of the mound fire is that it can be built on flat exposed rock or on an organic surface such as litter, duff or grass. <br />
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<strong>火盆:</strong>火盆是野营生火的另一个好的选择。使用有金属导油槽的火盆和烧烤用的铁架,使生火更有效,更容易控制。火盆的高度至少要3英寸高。注意要将火盆架在岩石或衬上有机土,以避免烤灼土地。 <br />
<strong>Fire Pans:</strong> Use of a fire pan is a good alternative for fire building. Metal oil drain pans and some backyard barbecue grills make effective and in sive fire pans. The pan should have at least three-inch-high sides. It should be elevated on rocks or lined with mineral soil so the heat does not scorch the ground. <br />
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生火取材和事后清理:直立的树木,无论生还是死,都是鸟类和昆虫的家,所以不要去损害它。倾倒的树木也为鸟类和动物提供了栖息的场所,同时保持了水土,通过物质分解,将营养成分循环利用。从它们上面折取枝条也会对自然的面貌造成破坏。 <br />
Firewood And Cleanup: Standing trees, dead or alive, are home to birds and insects, so leave them intact. Fallen trees also provide bird and animal shelter, increase water holding capacity of the soil, and recycle nutrients back into the environment through decomposition. Stripping branches from standing or fallen trees also detracts from an area&rsquo;s natural appearence. <br />
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无论是直立的还是躺倒的大树,都要避免使用斧头,锯子或直接折断树枝。死的倒下的木材可以更容易的被燃烧,也容易收集而且只造成很微小的影响。 <br />
Avoid using hatchets, saws, or breaking branches off standing or downed trees. Dead and down wood burns easily, is easy to collect and leaves less impact。 <br />
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用那些不粗于成人手腕的小块木材,你可以用手较容易的折断他们。 <br />
远离营地,大范围的采集木材,找那些已经干了的,从河流或海边飘到岸上的木头。 <br />
将所用的木材燃烧成灰后带上手套将小的炭木碾成粉末,用水完全浸湿,把这些剩余物抛散在离营地远处的周围,不要丢弃在河里以免堵塞河道。清理土堆和火盆时,把用到的沙土都处理好。 <br />
将没有用到的木材散置于周围,让自然尽量保持原貌。 <br />
包裹整理好所有营火后的废弃物。塑料和金属箔包装物不要放在火堆中燃烧。 <br />
Use small pieces of wood no larger than the diameter of an adult wrist that can be broken with your hands. <br />
Gather wood over a wide area away from camp. Use dry drift wood on rivers and sea shores. <br />
Burn all wood to white ash, grind small coals to ash between your gloved hands, thoroughly soak with water, and scatter the remains over a large area away from camp. Ashes may have to be packed out in river corridors. <br />
Replace soil where you found it when cleaning up a mound or pan fire. <br />
Scatter unused wood to keep the area as natural looking as possible. <br />
Pack out any campfire litter. Plastic items and foil-lined wrappers should never be burned in a camp fire <br />
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<strong>安全事项:</strong> <br />
<strong>Safety</strong> <br />
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当用炉具和火时,对于年轻人要时刻给予监督和注意。 <br />
Provide adequate supervision for young people when using stoves or fires. <br />
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按炉具上面标识的产品和安全说明进行操作。 <br />
Follow all product and safety labels for stoves. <br />
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用可靠的容器盛放燃料。 <br />
Use approved containers for fuel. <br />
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不要让火处于无人看管的状态。 <br />
Never leave a fire unattended. <br />
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木材和其他易燃物应远离火源。 <br />
Keep wood and other fuel sources away from fire. <br />
<br />
离开时彻底的熄灭所有的火种。 <br />
Thoroughly extinguish all fires. <br />
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发表于 2012-7-6 06:57:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-7-7 00:59:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-5 00:06:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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