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户外准则之六、尊重野外生命(Respect Wildlife)

发表于 2009-3-20 15:17:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<div><strong>六、尊重野外生命(Respect Wildlife)</strong></div>
<p>静 静的去观察它们,不要仅仅为了&ldquo;看得更清楚&rdquo;而惊扰野外生命。 保持一定的观察距离,避免他们受到惊吓或&ldquo;因为靠近&rdquo;被迫逃避。 大的团队往往会对对环境造成更多的伤害,并惊扰野外生命,所以,让你的团队规模小些。如果你有一个较大的团队,请尽可能分成为较小的组,将你们&ldquo;对环境&rdquo; 的影响减至最少。 <br />
Learn about wildlife through quiet observation. Do not disturb wildlife or plants just for a &quot;better look&quot;. Observe wildlife from a distance so they are not scared or forced to flee. Large groups often cause more damage to the environment and can disturb wildlife so keep your group small. If you have a larger group, divide into smaller groups if possible to minimize your impacts. <br />
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急速运动和大的噪音会令动物感到很大压 力。静静的行进,不要追逐,喂食,或者驱赶动物。( 有一个特例:在熊区,稍微发出少许声音可以避免惊吓熊) 在较热或寒冷的天气里,惊扰行为会影响到动物抵抗恶劣环境的能力。不要去接触,试图靠近,或饲养,收留野生动物。这样会令动物很紧张,而且,动物可能携带有狂犬病或其他的疾病。被伤病的动物所咬, 啄或抓伤则必须到医院进行治疗。被接触或移动过的小动物都可能会为其父母所遗弃---尽管那是出于善意的举动。 如果你看到生病或是受困的动物,请通知动物管理员去处理。 <br />
Quick movements and loud noises are stressful to animals. Travel quietly and do not pursue, feed or force animals to flee. (One exception is in bear country where it is good to make a little noise so as not to startle the bears) In hot or cold weather, disturbance can affect an animals ability to withstand the rigorous environment. Do not touch, get close to, feed or pick up wild animals. It is stressful to the animal, and it is possible that the animal may harbor rabies or other diseases. Sick or wounded animals can bite, peck or scratch and send you to the hospital. Young animals removed or touched by well-meaning people may cause the animals parents to abandon them. If you find sick animals or animal in trouble, notify a game warden. <br />
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细心的露营者会由远处观察野外的生命,会留给动物一个开阔的栖息处,他们将食物储存于安全的地方,而且将垃圾和残余食物藏起以避免动物接触到。记得,你只是在它们家园里的访客。 <br />
Considerate campers observe wildlife from afar, give animals a wide berth, store food securely, and keep garbage and food scraps away from animals. Remember that you are a visitor to their home. <br />
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在水源周围留出足够的空间好让动物 可以自如的取用水。理想的驻营地应该选在位于水源200英尺之外或更远一点的地方。这样可以最低限度的减少对野生动物的惊扰,并保证它们能自如的饮到水。夜里的行动应该绕开水坑,这样能避免沙漠生物,他们往往入夜后才开始活动。在贫瘠的土地中水资源极为有限,行走沙漠一定尽力减少对活在生存线上的动物造成 影响。 <br />
Allow animals free access to water sources by giving them the buffer space they need to feel secure. Ideally, camps should be located 200 feet or more from existing water sources. This will minimize disturbance to wildlife and ensure that animals have access to their precious drinking water. By avoiding water holes at night, you will be less likely to frighten animals because desert dwellers are usually most active after dark. With limited water in arid lands, desert travelers must strive to reduce their impact on the animals struggling for survival. <br />
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洗濯,抛弃垃圾需要小心处理做到不致污染环境,不会因此伤害动物和水生动物。在溪流或类似地方游泳问题不大,但在沙漠上不行!让沙漠上珍贵的水源平静而无污染,许多的生物才得以饮用。 <br />
Washing and human waste disposal must be done carefully so the environment is not polluted, and animals and aquatic life are not injured. Swimming in likes or streams is OK in most instances but in desert areas, leave scarce water holes undisturbed and unpolluted so animals may drink from them. <br />
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发表于 2012-7-6 06:57:30 | 只看该作者

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