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户外准则之七、想想其他人(Be Considerate of Other Visitors)

发表于 2009-3-20 15:19:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<div><strong>七、想想其他人(Be Considerate of Other Visitors)</strong></div>
<p>One of the most important components of outdoor ethics is to maintain courtesy toward other visitors. It helps everyone enjoy their outdoor experience. Many people come to the outdoors to listen to nature. Excessive noise, unleashed pets and damaged surroundings take away from everyone&rsquo;s experience. So, keep the noise level down while traveling and if you bring a radio, tapes or CDs, use headphones so you will not disturb others. Also keep in mind that the feeling of solitude, especially in open areas, is enhanced when group size is small, contacts are infrequent and behavior is unobtrusive. To maximize your feeling of privacy, avoid trips on holidays and busy weekends or take a trip during the off season. <br />
户外道德的最重要内涵之一是:对其他旅行者保持礼貌。这能使得每个人都能享受他的户外体验。许多人来到户外倾听大自然的声音。过度的噪音、解开的宠物和损 坏的环境,损害了每个人的感受。因此,当你旅行时,把噪音减少到最小。如果你带了收音机、录音机或CD机,使用耳机,以免打扰他人。要记住,在空旷的地域,很小团队,相互偶尔接触,行为谨慎,这些都更加强了清净的感觉。为了最大程度的拥有你的清静,不要在节假日或繁忙的周未去旅行,而选择在淡季旅行。 </p>
<p>Groups leading or riding livestock have the right-of-way on trails. Hikers and bicyclists should move off the trail to the downhill side. Talk quietly to the riders as they pass, since horses are spooked easily. Take rest breaks on durable surfaces well off the designated trail. Keep in mind that visitors to seldom used places require an extra commitment to travel quietly and lightly on the land. <br />
领队或骑手在小路上有优先权。步行者和骑单车的人应该避开这样的小道下山。当他们经过时应小声的同骑马者讲话,因为马很易受惊。在远离标明的小道旁结实的地面休息,记住,旅行者到很少被使用的地方要求一项特别的义务:保持安静并且小心行事。 </p>
<p>When selecting a campsite, choose a site where rocks or trees will screen it from others view. Keep noise down in camp so not to disturb other campers or those passing by on the trail. &quot;Goofing off&quot; or &quot;pranks&quot; are undesirable social behavior and may lead to serious or fatal injuries. Also &quot;events&quot; need to fit the setting - save game playing for the city park. Bright clothing and equipment, such as tents can be seen for long distances are discouraged. Especially in open natural areas, colors such as day-glow yellow are disturbing and contribute to a crowded feeling; choose earth-toned colors (ie. browns and greens) to lesson visual impacts. 选择营地时,选择一个从其他角度被岩石和树木遮蔽的地点。把噪音保持在帐蓬范围内,以影响其他宿营者或是从小道上经过的人。&ldquo;游手好闲&rdquo;或者&ldquo;恶作剧者&rdquo; 是不受欢迎的社会行为,并且可能带来严重或致命的损伤。同样&ldquo;活动&rdquo;需要符合特定的环境&mdash;&mdash;把游戏留在城市公园进行。明亮的衣服和装备,比如很远就可以看 见的帐蓬,是不提倡的。特别是在户外自然环境,例如日光黄的衣服,会令人不安并产生拥挤的感觉;选择土调的颜色(例如棕色和绿色)以减少视觉影响。 </p>
<p>Stay in control when mountain biking. Before passing others, politely announce your presence and proceed with caution. <br />
在骑车登山时注意控制。在超过他人时,补貌告知对方并在超车过程中保持提醒。 </p>
<p>Keep pets under control at all times. Bowser is not in the wildlife category. Dogs running free can be unwelcome, frightening people or leaving behind unwanted &quot;presents&quot;. Please pick up dog feces from camps and trails. Some areas prohibit dogs or require them to be on a leash at all times.<br />
随时管理好自己的宠物。Bowser(任天堂游戏中的角色,复仇女神 &ndash; 译注)不在野生动物范畴。自己跑来跑去的狗是不受欢迎的,惊吓他人或在身后留下讨厌的&ldquo;礼物&rdquo;。请从帐蓬和小道上拾起狗的排泄物。一些区域禁止狗或者要求一直拴住它们。 </p>
<p>Leave gates as you find them, and leave the land undisturbed for others to enjoy. Remember, our open spaces and wildlands are protected for all generations. It is up to us to keep them healthy, beautiful and open to the public for recreation, reflection and revitalization! Enjoy and learn from historical and archeological sites but respect these sites and treasures. Some of these are sacred to Native Americans, or are important cultural reminders of our heritage. 保存大门如你发现时一般,保存陆地不被弄乱,让他人得以享受。记住,我们的户外和野外为子孙后代而保护。让我们行动起来,保持他们的健康、美丽、并使它们为公众的休养、生息和复兴而开放!从历史和古迹享受和受益,但是尊重和保护这些地点和财富。它们中的部分是美国本土人神圣尊崇的,或者是我们重要的历史文 化遗产。 </p>
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发表于 2012-7-6 06:57:06 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-7-7 01:00:08 | 只看该作者

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