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[其他] 独潜:行还是不行?

发表于 2016-3-31 10:03:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Michael和Felicia Berg的夫妻潜水教练团就相信独潜的安全性,并向潜水员们开设这项课程。即使有潜水密友,水下摄影师和捕鱼者们也更需要独自潜水。独立自主是独潜课程教导的重要内容。独潜会帮助你成为一个更好的朋友,不过在此之前你得学习超过100个潜水动作。

Ask An Expert: Solo Diving, OK OrNo Way?
For many divers, the idea of diving alone doesn’t make any senseat all. To them, diving is a communal sport, and half the fun is sharing theexperience. Too many dive accidents happen when a diver ventures away from hisbuddy and gets in trouble, turning what could have been an easily avoidedproblem into a fatal accident.
For others, the risk of diving with a buddy chosen on a dive boatwithout knowing the diver’s experience is worse than the risks of diving alone.Many divers effectively photograph or spearfish on their own because they areconcentrating on their hobby rather than paying attention to their buddy.
SoloDiving is a Safe Practice
Husband-and-wife dive-instructor teamMichael and Felicia Berg believe in solo diving and teach the course to otherdivers. “Photographers and spearfishermen dive solo even though they have abuddy. Anyone who buddies up with them knows what I’m talking about. Learningto be self-reliant is what the solo-diver course teaches. It makes you a betterbuddy too, and the prerequisite is more than 100 logged dives (and then taughtonly at the instructor’s discretion).
No newbie open-water divers should everdive alone,” Michael says. “Nearly every dive professional is solo divingwhether they admit to it or not. I personally would prefer to dive with atleast a loose buddy system, though I must say I am a big advocate of thetraining and the experience and education it provides. As an instructor, I seea real need to provide and teach solo diving to those who have experience and aneed. I feel that every dive professional should at least sit through a solocourse,” Felicia says.
Solo Diving isn’t for Everyone
On the other side, Tinamarie Hernandez asksthis question: “Why would anyone want to dive solo? Isn’t most of the funsharing what you saw when you come up from the dive? Or pointing to stuff whileyou are down there?”
Wendy Quimby, a technical and cave diver,says it’s all about equipment and preparation. “I think if you are going todive solo, you should have certain things in place: top-notch basic scubaskills (mask fooding/replacement, regulator retrieval, etc.), spare mask, ponybottle or extra tank with enough gas to get to the surface safely from thedeepest part of the dive planned, as well as other equipment like a surface-markerbuoy with signaling abilities. I have done solo diving, though I prefer toshare the dive with others.”
Emmy award-winning underwater videographerFrazier Nivens sums up both sides of the discussion: “All divers should be solotrained and able to rely on themselves to reach the surface safely unless amedical condition arises. But don’t get me wrong, new divers should never divealone. Just train them to be self-reliant.”
Scuba diving is a social, buddy-driven sport. It makes sense onmany levels for divers to dive with a buddy. It’s more fun, and usually safer,to dive with others around. Many Lessonsfor Life columns detail what can happen when a diver ventures out on hisown, and the ending often is not a happy one.
Solo diving has a purpose and many advocates, and there are timesof crisis when divers have no one to help them. “Aren’t all instructors solodiving when teaching anyway? No student can save you in an open-water course,”dive instructor Paul Shepherd says.
Solo diving is not something to begin willfully and withoutpreparation. For divers thinking about going solo, there is necessary trainingto take and additional equipment to purchase to be prepared for a potentiallybad situation. After all, there won’t be a buddy close by to ask for help ifit’s needed.

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