本帖最后由 oldzhang 于 2018-10-18 21:38 编辑
We propose you tostart changing the way you think about technique from a first theme:alternating balance. Try to think that, like when you walk, you alternativelylean on one foot and on the other one. This message is for everyone: from theabsolute beginner to the World Cup athlete and it will be useful for the restof your skiing life! 在第一阶段,我们建议你开始改变你对技术的思考方式:交替的平衡。试着想,当你走路的时候,你的平衡交替依赖着一只脚,然后是另一只。这个信息对每个人都适用:从初学者一直到世界杯运动员,并将伴随着我们的整个滑雪生涯。 The first twovideos will explain this. Look at themand freely discuss them! 第一批两个视频即阐述此观点。请观看它们并自由讨论! Theme 1 – Balancealternation 主题1-交替的平衡 Video 1 – STARTINGPOINT (being aware of the alternation) 视频1-开始点(对于交替的意识)
Video 2 – FROMWALL TO WALL (a different way to look at ourselves as skiers) 视频2-墙到墙(作为滑雪者从另一个角度看待自己) 我们将针对以上主题(主题1-交替的平衡)开展3天的自由讨论,本期自由讨论截止时间:2018年10月6日晚上,之后,Jam Session将对本主题进行总结述评。 [size=18.6667px]自由讨论在我们的微信群里进行,我们将及时把结果在此公布。 [size=18.6667px]
[size=18.6667px]对这两个视频的解释: Valerio Malfatto对上述[size=18.6667px]主题1-交替的平衡两个视频的解释:
The first videos were designed to understand the importance of full and safe balance on the outdoor ski and the example of walking and running was because when we walk or run or jump from one stone to another we definitely have a full balance given from the collaboration of the foot and shoulder on that foot.
The example of the "wall to wall" ends this discussion and in the skier's mind the action can be simplified with this strong idea together with that of big steps (big turns) or small steps (small turns) here and there . This is the purpose to learn a basic concept: learn to feel the alternation of full balance left and right. [size=18.6667px]