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Sept 20-22nd, 2011 大本营休息

发表于 2011-10-4 00:51:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这几天,我们在不停地讨论下一阶段的计划。18日的地震引起了大规模的雪崩,山上的很多石头松动了。我们当时很幸运是在大本营 吃晚饭。韩国队和瑞士队当时正好在希夏邦马峰下扎营,侥幸地躲过了雪崩和落石,但被吓得够呛。本该在几周前结束的季风依然没有离开,还得我们整天阴雪绵绵,多日不见阳光了。登山线路的状况目前很不理想。所以,到目前为止,关于下一步如何行动,都还是未知。

Sept 20-22nd, 2011
We are undergoing intense discussion about our climbing plan these days. The earthquake on Sept 18th triggered huge avalanche and lose up rocks on mountains. We were lucky to be sitting in the base camp that night, the Korean and Swiss team happen to be under ShishaPangma at that moment. They were lucky to escape the huge avalanche and had pretty scary experience with loose rocks on the route. Monsoon season which was supposed to end a couple weeks ago is still ruling the mountain. We haven’t seen sunshine for many days and were having wet snow every day. The climbing condition is much worse than “perfect” season. If and how are we going to climb is up in the air for now.

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