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Sept 23rd, 2011 痛苦的决定

发表于 2011-10-5 18:20:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


但这些仅仅是借口而已。最大的问题出在我们团队或组织内部。这次登山活动其实是个很复杂的大项目,不是个单纯的登山活动,涉及到很多方面的组织和人员,而各方面的利益、愿望、目标并不是完全一致的,有时甚至是冲突的。在过去的一年中大家都投入了很多的心血和努力。经过多日激烈的讨论、权衡各种解决方法,最后的结果非常的戏剧化 -- 我放弃希夏邦马。(本来我们在当时高度压力下还有另一半更戏剧性的决定,幸亏后来基金会及时干预,防止了更糟糕的危机的发生,我就不再提了)


Sept 23rd, 2011
Painful Decision
The past few days have been the most painful few days on this trip.
As I mentioned before that the condition on Shisha this season is not ideal. The snow has not consolidated well because of the lack of thawing and consolidating cycles. Earthquake on Sept 18th may have created more risk for the rocky section of the route by dislodging some rocks.
But all these are just some lame excuses. The biggest problem is inside the team o the organization. This trip is actually a very complicated project, more than just a simple climbing trip. There’re many different parties involved in the whole project and there’re conflict interests, ambitions and goals between parties. Everyone involved has put in a lot of energy and emotion during the past year. After several days of intense and very emotional debate and evaluating all the options, the dramatic final decision was that I gave up ShishaPangma (There was an even more dramatic second half of the decision reached under the drastic pressure, since with the timely intervention from the Foundation, we effectively prevented more crisis in the end, I will not bother to mention it anymore).
Many decisions in life are not easy. This is not the first time I turned around without even making a summit attempt. On Aconcagua, I turned back twice when overall condition was not in favor. Feb 2008 had been one of the most painful days in my life when I decided to give up Everest trip that originally was planned for that spring when I realized that would be the right decision despite all the effort had been put in.

Again, for ShishaPangma, I sacrificed many high priority agendas and gave it all-in effort during the past year. I have endured and was ready to endure so much just for it. But after all, I think giving up is the right decision. For such a complicated project, natural condition is only one factor. It’s more important is the harmonious internal state of everyone involved. I believe one should approach such sacred mountain with uttermost respect for everything and don’t let personal ambition take over all your heart.

发表于 2011-10-7 08:04:19 | 只看该作者
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