本帖最后由 中華青年領袖團 于 2013-6-4 20:18 编辑
穿越历史的猛犸 发表于 2013-6-4 10:47
Aim - Lead Chinese young people to venture overseas regions. All ventures must be undertaken in a small team, and involve preparing for and carrying out an unaccompanied, challenging and self-reliant outdoor drill, camping and tournament with specific requirement and progress in countryside, on mountains and at sea.
- To broaden young people experience, enrich their understanding on nature, community and themselves, cultivate positive values and encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery.
- Cover the shortage of regular education.
- 引領華人青年在中國大陸以外地區,以小組形式在郊野、山地和海上進行獨立自主、自給自足、有明確要求和進度、富挑戰性的野外鍛煉、露營和競賽活動。
- 擴展青年人個人經驗,豐富青年人對於自然、社群和自我的認識,培養積極正面價值觀和歷險探索精神。
- 彌補常規教育之不足。
Principles - Introduce young people into unfamiliar and arduous circumstance, refine personality and discover potential;
- Organize young people to take sufficient preparatory training both theoretical and practical, leading to their ability to venture safely in the chosen activities;
- Inspire young people’s imagination, enterprising spirit and determination in execution;
- Demand young people’s forethought, careful attention to detail and organizational ability in preparation;
- Develop young people’s maturity and a sense of responsibility for their actions through the experience of living, drill and competition with others who are not their normal everyday companions;
- Assist young people to derive a lasting sense of satisfaction and achievement, and establish an active lifestyle from meeting challenge;
- Equip young people with leadership, co-operation capability and self-reliance through shared responsibility for the ventures.
- 帶領青年人深入陌生而艱苦的環境,鍛煉品格,發掘潛能;
- 組織青年人接受足夠的理論及實踐訓練,以便能夠安全地進行所選擇的活動;
- 激發青年人的想像力及進取精神, 建立完成活動的決心;
- 未雨綢繆,引導青年人仔細留意細節及做好預備及統籌工作;
- 透過與陌生人共同生活、訓練和競賽的經驗,使青年人變得更成熟及培養出責任感;
- 透過達成挑戰,幫助青年人獲得持續的滿足感和成就感,建立活躍的生活態度;
- 透過分工合作,鍛鍊青年人的領導能力、合作性及自立性。
Benefits to Young People - Cope with unfamiliar environment;
- Extend personal goals by taking new activities;
- Show initiative;
- Plan and execute a journey;
- Demonstrate enterprising spirit;
- Respond to difficulties with courage;
- Enhance self-confidence and derive a sense of achievement by meeting requirement and improving performance;
- Rise to the challenge by breaking through physical and technical limits;
- Improve fitness through drill;
- Make new friends and show concern for others;
- Work as member of a team;
- Recognize the needs and strengths of others;
- Work towards a shared goal;
- Bear responsibility;
- Develop leadership skills;
- Develop self-reliance;
- Make decisions and accept the consequences;
- Reflect on personal performance;
- Appreciate and take care of environment;
- Enjoy the venture.
- 學習應付陌生環境;
- 透過接觸新事物,拓展個人目標;
- 學習採取主動;
- 計劃及實踐自己的旅程;
- 表現進取精神;
- 勇於面對困難;
- 透過達到要求及改進表現,增強自信心,獲取成就感;
- 透過突破體能及技巧的極限,培養接受挑戰的精神;
- 透過鍛鍊,強健體魄;
- 認識新朋友及關心他人;
- 學習團隊的合作精神 ;
- 體察別人的需要和長處;
- 和別人合作完成目標;
- 承擔責任 ;
- 鍛鍊領導才能;
- 學習自立;
- 學習作出決定及承擔後果;
- 檢討自己的表現;
- 欣賞及愛護大自然 ;
- 享受旅程。
教程 - 依中華青年領袖團作訓要求設計;
- 依香港各專業運動總會相關訓練規條執辦;
- 所涉科目均包括理論教授和實習訓練兩部分,依科目大綱實施;
- 學員訓練成果依中華青年領袖團及香港各專業運動總會標準評核。
持續時間 自集結至解散,共11天,其間科目訓練9天,分別為: - 開營及戰瑜伽-0.5天;
- 山藝-3.5天,包括野外露營1晚;
- 帆船-2天;
- 攀岩-1天;
- 「迷城特攻」城市定向競賽-1天;
- 評核及結業禮-1天。
領隊、教師及助教 均由各專業運動總會資深教師執教,每班級師資如下: - 領隊-2名,由中華青年領袖團選任;
- 戰瑜伽教師-1名,由中華青年領袖團選任;
- 山藝教師-6名,選自中國香港攀山及攀登總會;
- 帆船教師-4名,選自香港帆船運動總會;
- 攀岩教師-4名,選自中國香港攀山及攀登總會;
- 助教-2名,選自中華青年領袖團毅行集訓隊,均為香港科技大學在校香港籍同學。
分組 學員分成小組,在正確教導但最少外界協助下,進行訓練及組間競賽:
地區環境 選擇學員陌生的地點及環境進行:
安全 - 學員將接受足夠的理論及實踐訓練,以便能夠安全地進行所選擇的活動;
- 訓練均由香港合資質急救員隨隊,包括香港红十字会和圣约翰救伤队;
- 旅程計劃均知會香港相關運動總會、地區警署,以策安全。
膳食 - 野外訓練中,學員須自行攜帶足夠食物和飲用水;
- 學員每天最少烹煮一餐豐足的膳食。
住宿 - 住宿位於較偏僻地方的青年旅舍和營屋;
- 須完成紮營外宿訓練,帳幕遠離人煙。