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[双板技术] 【CSIA 技术体系翻译介绍(之一)】

发表于 2014-11-27 11:01:54 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 firehawk 于 2014-11-26 22:17 编辑

CSIA 技术体系介绍(之一)

说明: 这是一点CSIA手册基础技术部分的翻译,包括部分的技术信息和教学方法。主要以介绍技术理念以及思路为主。

一、 五大技能

1. Stance and Balance 姿态与平衡
Stance is the body alignment of the skier. Agood stance is stable, yet mobile, and lets the skier make balance adjustments.

Balance is the skier’s use of the neuromuscularsystem to keep from falling down. Optimal balanceuses the least amount of movement and muscular effort to align the COM and BOS, supporting the skier and the forces ofthe turns. Stance and balance are the foundation for the application of the other skills.
Stance variations 姿态变化
When working with stance it is important to accommodateindividual body types. The width of hipsor being naturally knock-kneed or bow-legged will affect the stance ofindividual skiers. Ski bootchoice and alignment also affect stance. The goal is to create the most mobileand natural stance possible forany given skier.

Stance and stability
Width of stance varies with speed and snowconditions. Hard snow and higher speeds require the stability that comes from a widerstance. Similarly, beginners will benefit from a broader base of support. In softer snow, a narrowerplatform may be easier to control. In situations requiring quickness such as bumps and brokensnow a narrower stance may also be of benefit.

Balance as a dynamic process
Balance is not a static position but a continualseries of adjustments to external stimuli. This is especially true in skiing where theforces trying to throw the skier out of balance are strong and varied. To “stay in balance”, the bodyreacts to the sensory feedback it receives from the inner ear, visual cues and the sensation ofpressure distribution under the feet. Muscular activity keeps the skeleton upright and the COM overthe BOS.
Balancemovements function in all directions: fore-aft,side to side, up and down, and rotationally. Beginner and intermediate skierstend to “think out” their balancereactions, while advanced skiers and experts acquire automatic reactions that involve only the muscles needed.Experts also anticipate possible imbalance, drawing on experience to adjust to changes insnow and terrain in advance. This makes balance less reactive, making the expert more precise andefficient.
平衡动作用于各个方向:前后、两侧、上下、以及旋转轴上。 初级到中级滑雪者倾向于有意识地“想到”平衡反应,而高级到专家级滑雪者会有精确到相关肌肉的自动反应能力。专家级滑雪者亦可以预测不平衡的可能性,引用经验以提前做出反应,应对雪况和地形的变化。从而平衡变得更自然,专家级滑雪会因此更精确、更高效。

2. Timing and Coordination 时机与协调
Timing is the skier’s ability to choose and use an action atthe appropriate moment. Turn type, terrainand snow conditions all affect a skier’s timing decisions.

Coordination is the skier’s ability to blendmotor skills into a common movement. It is
determined largely by a skier’s natural athleticskills, physical experience and sport specific training. Timing and coordination aregrouped together, and also considered a foundation skill, as they determine the successfulapplication of other skills.
II. 细节
Timing as decision making时机便是决策
Timing is the skiers’ interaction with theirenvironment as they learn to interpret situations and apply skills in the right blend andsequence. In any situation, the skier adjusts the timing of their movements for the desired result. Thisaspect of skiing is developed through free skiing and guided mileage.
时机是滑雪者在不同环境下,将拥有的技能融为一体,有序执行时,与周围环境的互动。无论何种情况,滑雪者会为达到理想结果而调整动作的时机。滑雪的这一方面是通过自由滑行和益导雪时(guided mileage提高的。

Coordination of movements
Spatial awareness and motor skills are the toolsfor balance, and skiers coordinate their
movements to control their motion down theslope. Natural athletic ability determines much of a skier’s coordination but it can bedeveloped at any level. Developing muscular and sensory response lets a skier react preciselyand quickly. Warming up, varied skill progressions and repetition of key movements will helpdevelop coordination.

Timingand Coordination for development levels
At a beginner level timing and coordinationmeans developing mobility, and rhythm through serpentineturns. With more speed the challenge is changing both edges simultaneously, and developing a range of movement forbetter edging and pressure control. With mileage the motor responses are quicker and moreinstinctive and the task is refining the sensory skills and decision making. At any level timing andcoordination determines the successful application of the other skills.
对于初学者,时机与协调意味着灵活性的提高。在蛇形弯中锻炼节奏。 随着速度的增加,难点变为同时换刃,以及锻炼立刃、压力控制的相关动作。 随雪时的增加,身体反应会更迅速、更自发。并可促进感官技能,决策能力的提升。无论身在哪个水平等级,时机与协调都是成功应用其他技能的先决条件。
3. Pivoting 轴转
Pivoting is the ability to utilize the legs and feet to helpguide the skis in a specific direction. Whetherthe turns are carved or skidded, the lower body leads the turning effort.
Pivoting and direction change轴转与方向变化
With the upper body facing the direction oftravel, turning the legs in the hip sockets creates a steering angle. This, combined withski sidecut, deflects the skier in their arc. Pivoting is seen in the relationship between the upper andlower body.
Pivoting and balance
The ability to guide the skis on their pathwithout relying on hip or upper body rotation will help a skier maintain balance by keepingthe body over the outside ski. From the hips down there is less mass than in the torso, sochanging direction with the lower body is quicker and lets the COM move in a smoother trajectory.

Pivoting and edging
Upper/lower body separation enables a skier tobalance on their edges through angulation. Turningthe femur in the hip socket allows the hip joint to be more mobile laterally tothe inside of the turn, helpingto balance on the edges.

Pivoting and rotation
Turning the hips or the upper body before thelegs at any part of the turn is called rotation. At the top of the arc (phase 2) this could becaused by a rushed weight transfer (timing and pressure control) or an imbalance from phase 1.Through the bottom of the arc (phase 3 into 1) it may be caused by poor steering mechanics or aloss of control of angular momentum.

4. Edging 立刃
Edging is the skier’s ability to use acombination of inclination and angulation to control the angle of the skis against the snow andutilize their sidecut properties. Edging lets skiers control direction and/or speed

Edging and Direction Change立刃和方向变化
When there is a change of direction, edging isinvolved. Edging provides the grip that counters the force of gravity and centrifugalforce, keeping the skier turning. The degree of edging is determined by how fast the skier isgoing when they turn, and whether they wish to decelerate, maintain speed oraccelerate. Good edge control makes the ski grip but allows maximum gliding for any given directionchange.

Edging and Pressure Control
Turning on an edged ski or skis generates forcesthat give the skier a sensation of weight, or pressure.When the skis are flattening (phase 1) they are releasing their grip and theload against the snow diminishes.When the skis are turned across the line of travel (phase 2, 3) forces build and the COM gets deflected. Edge angleincreases and pressure builds. Bigger forces from higher speeds and steeper terrain placegreater loads on the skier which must be managed.
在立上刃的雪板上转弯使人感受到来自雪板的压力。 当雪板逐渐放平时(第一阶段),板子会释放抓雪状态,朝向雪面的压力也随之减少。 当雪板转向跨越运动轨迹时(即二、三阶段),受力增加,重心轨迹偏转。 立刃角度增加,板压得以建立。 速度以及坡度的增加会产生更大的力量,滑雪者必须抗之以平衡。
Inclination and angulation
Inclination refers to the line of lateralbalance between the BOS and COM. This degree of lean is what the skier must do to counteractthe forces of the turn, and it changes within each turn in response to speed, external forces andintended path of travel. Too much lean and the skier stands on the inside ski or falls over, andnot enough makes it impossible to maintain the arc of the turn.

Angulation is the bending of body segments asthe skier inclines. Controlled by the use of ankles, knees and hips, it keeps the skier inbalance against the edges and lets the skier produce edge angles that are greater than what canbe achieved with inclination alone.

Turn Initiation – changing the line of inclination
While balanced on an arc, the COM is inclined tothe inside of the BOS. To change direction, the skier must change this line of inclination,putting the COM to the inside of the new arc. A wedge or stem is a way of placing the BOS tothe outside of the new turn, changing the line of inclination to the new side.
In parallel skiing this “toppling” can beachieved by releasing pressure on the outside ski and/or transferring it to the other ski. Thiseffectively shifts the BOS from the downhill ski towards the outside of the new arc, changing the lineof inclination. A smooth release in phase 1 is also a way of getting the COM to the inside ofthe new arc. Most edge changes involve combinations of these elements, and can be passive oractive, simultaneous (parallel) or sequential (wedge), depending on the skills and desires ofthe skier.
平行转弯中,这种“侧倒”效应可以通过释放外板板压 且/或 将压力主动移转而产生。从而有效地将山下板的支持面转移到新外板上,得以改变内倾线路。 在第一阶段平滑地释放也是讲重心转入新弯的一种手段。 大多数换刃方式都是这些因素的组合,或主动或被动,同时(平行)或依次(犁式),根据水平和需要而变化。

5. Pressure Control 压力控制
Pressure control is the skier’s ability to loadand unload the skis at the appropriate time by balancing against turning forcesand/or using muscular efforts. It is closely tied to edging and varies with the type of turn andterrain.

压力控制是滑雪者在合理时机,通过平衡转向力 和/或 肌肉发力对雪板加压或减压的能力。与立刃能力密切相关,并随弯型和地形而不同。

Pressure control – the sensory skill压力控制是感官技能
Alternating between weightless acceleration andthe heaviness of turning and resisting gravity is part of the allure of skiing. Thedynamics of turning creates loads that the skier manages through good biomechanics and balance, givingthe sensation of pressure and gliding. Terrain and snow conditions also contribute resistanceand acceleration. It is this range of possibilities that skiers learn to anticipate and react to.
在加速时感受到失重,在转弯抵御重力,感到超重都是滑雪乐趣的一部分。 转弯的过程会产生压力,而滑雪者通过出色的生物力学变化和平衡动作得以应对,从中获得压力与滑动的感觉。地形和雪况也都会影响加减速。滑雪者学习预测并应对的正是这种宽泛的可能性。

Controlling snow contact (“up and down”)
Movements of flexion (bending the body) andextension (lengthening) act as a suspension
system, and keep the COM on a stable path andthe skis in contact with the snow. These “up and down” movements happen on the line ofinclination, or perpendicular to the edge angle of the skis. The moment of maximuminclination is often when the body is longest, even though the COM is closest to the snow. When theCOM naturally rises as the line of inclination changes between turns, the skier bends tocontrol the amount of rising. As ski reaction and/or terrain difficulties increase these effectsare amplified.

Fore/aft pressure
Fore-aft mobility takes advantage of ski designand lets the skier adjust quickly to terrain
changes. Today’s skis are designed to be turnedfrom the middle of the sidecut, but the front of the ski must be in contact with thesnow for it to help initiate the arc (phase 2).If pressure is too far forward the COM will start to takeover (rotation). When the amount of resistance the skier encounters increases due to directionchange or snow resistance, the feet will appear to be further ahead relative to the COM. Adjustmentscan be made by moving the BOS, the COM, or both.

Contemporary skiing is more two-footed than ever.Skis are designed so that both contribute to theturning effort. The turn starts with weight more equally distributed on bothskis (phase 1). As turning forcesbuild (phase 2, 3), the load shifts naturally to the outside ski. Between arcsas the COM crosses over the pathof the BOS, the skis are flattening and the load shifts back to both feet on its way toward the new turningski. This sensation of ‘weight’ or pressure transferring from ski to ski is generally gradualand is timed to cause minimal disruption to the path of the COM and the gliding of the skis.

当代滑雪比任何时代都更注重双脚同步。 滑雪板被设计成双板皆用于转弯。 转弯开始时,双板基本平分于双板(第一阶段)。当转弯产生压力时(第二三阶段),压力逐渐靠近于外板。 在弯弧和重心交叉过支持面时,雪板被放平,压力被释放回双脚,而后靠近与新的主导板。 这种两板之间重力转换或者叫压力转换的感觉通常是渐进的,并应尽量减少对重心轨迹或雪板滑动的突然破坏。
二、 三个基本水平标准

1 Centred and Mobile Stance 姿态居中、灵活

--- 与“姿态与平衡”直接相关。

2 Turning with LowerBody 下身带转

--- 与“轴转”直接相关。

3 Balance on Edges 刃上平衡

--- 与“立刃”直接相关。

Once you have identified which competencies need attention, look at skiingskills to find a solution. For example a skier that is unable to turn with thelower body might simply need to develop pivoting. Alternatively, it could bethe timing and coordination of their movements which inhibits the ability topivot. Similarly, a skier that lacks balance on their edges may have stanceproblems; this could be caused by leaning and twisting the shoulders into thehill.
一旦确定需要留意的“水平标准,应开始观察滑雪技能,并寻求不足标准的解决方法。比如说一个不能用下身转弯的滑雪者可能仅仅需要培养轴转能力。 或者也有可能是动作的时机与协调妨碍了轴转能力。类似地,缺乏在刃上平衡的滑雪者可能有姿态问题。 这也许源于“倒肩”、“肩膀转动”。

The three basic competencies are an assessment filter that helps identifywhich skill(s) needs developing. In most cases skiing skills work together, anddeveloping one will affect the others.
Turn phases link movement patterns with specific parts ofthe turn, providing a template for skill assessment and development. They alsohelp in understanding cause and effect, as problems in one part of a turn willhave consequences in other parts. Although sequenced from 1 to 3 for reference,turn phases can be approached in any way that is effective for results. Theultimate goal is linked, fluid skiing.

l  阶段1  - diminish edge angle 减小立刃 (收刃)
Flattening the skisinitiates a new change of direction. The COM carries momentum into the nextarc. The grip of the skis diminishes and the mass moves across the skis intothe new turn. As the skis flatten, they are easy to redirect.
放平雪板,同时会引发新的方向变化。 重心带动动量进入下一个弯弧。雪板逐渐减少抓雪,而质量跨越雪板进入新弯。雪板放平后,会很容易引导。
l 阶段2  - establish platform and alignment 建立平台和姿态
Without much edge orpressure, the turning of the legs continues. How much the skis are turneddepends on the desired turn shape and whether the desire is to control,maintain, or generate speed. Maintaining momentum and moving forward and insidethe arc, the skier balances on the new edges with natural separation and acentred stance. This anticipates the loads of phase 3.

l  阶段3  - loading and deflection 加压、释放
To complete thedirection change, the angle of the skis increases progressively against thesnow. A strong, stable stance is needed to manage the external forces. Thesteering continues to be led by the lower body. Angulation increases edging andkeeps most of the weight on the outside ski. As the skis bend and the forcesbuild, this energy can be used to generate speed and reaction, dynamicallylinking into the next turn.
为完成方向变化,雪板相对雪面的角度会逐渐增加。为此需要一个强健、稳定的站姿才能掌控外力。转弯继续由下身带动。反弓会增加立刃,并帮助大部分重量压在外板上。 当雪板被压弯,压力建立起来时,这股能量可以用来加快速度或即时做出反应,动态地链接入下一个弯。
Adjusting phases to different types of skiing 根据滑行方式调整各阶段
In steeps and bumps, the timing of the phases willchange.
1. The edge release is quick and often initiated with arelease of pressure.
2. Active pivoting of the legs beneath the skier createsquick direction change and upper/lower body separation.
3. Steering is active for control and rebound. Creating arebound can help initiate turns in difficult snow and create rhythm in bumps orsteep terrain.
引转主动,追求控制力和回弹。 建立回弹可以帮助在困难雪况中开启新弯,也可以在陡坡和雪包中形成节奏。
Turn phases also apply at slow speeds. 低速下,转弯分段一样适用。
1. With equal weight on both skis, glide between turns.
2. Create balance over the outside ski through separationand angulation.
3. Grip with the outside ski creates deflection.
四、 四个进阶水平标准

1 MaintainingStrength and Flow 力量持续,动作流畅
l  是否保持强健稳定的姿态?
l  看起来是否强健稳定?
l  弯间过度是否平滑有力?
2 Arc to Arc 弧间转换
l  线路选择时是否朝前看了?
l  弯间平衡是否被打断?点杖时机合适?
l  对板面与雪面的接触是否掌控?
3 Loading andDeflection 引导板压(直译:加压与偏折)
l  有无节奏和反弹?
l  雪板反应是否受控,受导向?
l  弯型是否可变?
4 SteeringVersatility 转弯适应能力
l  能否加、减、保持速度?
l  转弯技能是否多样、相融合?
l  转弯是否随地形雪况调整?
五、高级技术理念 —— Functional Skiing 功能性滑雪
中心理念: Form isdetermined by function 形态由功能决定。
l  All terrain, anyconditions, 全地形,全雪况
l  free to choose line andspeed, 自由控制路径与速度
l  -with economy of effort 发力高效

Open-skilled,decision making sport:
formis determined by function,
BOSis placed between the resultant force and COM,
Functionaluse of all joints provides strength and mobility,
Turningeffort is led by the lower body,
Edgingprovides grip
anddirectional change is managed through upper and lower body separation andangulation

发表于 2014-11-27 11:07:32 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:10:10 | 只看该作者

P3.11 滑雪水平分类



1)        入门级(Entry):“进展到平行式的快车道”,通过五个步骤为平行式滑雪(Parallel Skiing)建立运动和控制的基础:活动—滑动—停止—转弯—连续

2)        初级(Beginner):在机压绿道或者较容易的蓝道上滑行,动作涵盖从粗糙的犁式转弯(Snowplow,直译为“推雪机式”)到接近平行式,在不同的地形和遇到不同情况下使用各种转弯技术或精炼方法(Refinement)。

3)        中级(Intermediate):可自信的滑绿道,舒适的滑蓝道。可以克服一些变化的地形,以及较容易的黑道。大部分时间用平行式技术滑行,但是缺乏精炼(Refinement),尤其是当雪坡变得陡峭,或者遇到困难情况时。

4)        高级(Advanced):可自信的用平行式滑蓝道,舒适的滑黑道。已将平行式滑雪的基础动作的模式完全固化,并开始精炼这些基础动作,以便在各种地形和情况下以及更快的速度时,滑得更好和更精确。

5)        专家级(Expert):在各种速度、地形、情况下表现一致,可复制理想的动作模式,并在需要时立即作出恰当的动作组合。

P6.2 技术进阶模式


A)        吸收(Acquisition):在正确的条件下协调和完成动作的关键部分;动作不连续和不到位;有意识的做动作;形式粗糙,缺少同步、节奏、流程。



Cv)独创(Creative Variation):【变化】— 在复杂条件下动作完美;发展出有效地个人风格;动作形成模式。【临场发挥】— 可以自然而然地使用新颖的动作组合应对意外情况;通过竞技和陌生环境训练有效地个性化动作。【创作】—(与即兴完全相同,印错了?)


ACRCv分别对应的就是1234级的技能要求, 不过这个是加拿大队所有运动的概括。我个人不是很喜欢这个分法,感觉比较笼统抽象  详情 回复 发表于 2014-11-27 11:19

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-27 11:19:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 firehawk 于 2014-11-26 22:20 编辑
阿拉布 发表于 2014-11-26 22:10

ACRCv分别对应的就是1234级的技能要求, 不过这个是加拿大对所有运动的概括。我个人不是很喜欢这个分法,感觉比较笼统抽象


IACRCv应该是适用于任何运动学习,俺觉得与能力分级并不完全一致,不好这么对应。 只看过第一第二部分的手册,两个词的翻译是否妥当: 1 body alignment:身体各部位的联络方式: 虽然原意是身体各部位的排列方式  详情 回复 发表于 2014-11-27 11:52

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:21:28 | 只看该作者


昨天聊过的就是 “四个进阶水平标准”,但至于如何去评判,你我不在体制内只能意会了,有机会请教一下他们的教练,我觉得是个捷径  详情 回复 发表于 2014-11-27 13:23

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:27:05 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:27:59 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:30:59 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-27 11:34:08 | 只看该作者


不过这些东西其实已经挺值得琢磨的了。 当然,细节你不上课人家不给你  详情 回复 发表于 2014-11-27 11:35

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-27 11:35:19 | 只看该作者
风oО晓得/mn 发表于 2014-11-26 22:34

不过这些东西其实已经挺值得琢磨的了。 当然,细节你不上课人家不给你


再顶强帖:)  详情 回复 发表于 2014-12-18 21:56
就是这个意思,这些东西。知道的本来基本就知道,不知道的看了也没用,  详情 回复 发表于 2014-11-29 07:40

使用道具 举报

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