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[双板技术] 意大利Jam Session主教练瓦雷利奥为中国雪友进行滑雪视频分析

 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-16 10:31:33 | 只看该作者

VIDEO 178 – Coach Gianluca Branciaroli
Good body management in particular upper body and upper limbs.You still notice the will to rotate your feet to make the curve. This is not good if you want to make a quantum leap. Now we have to try to use the structure of the ski much more, to put the cutting ski and strong feet to cause deformation. In this way, the skis will create the curved trajectory and will affect the snow creating concentric and cut tracks. Try to cut the snow with the tails of the skis. I suggest you initially try a slightly wider curves on medium-easy slopes. Once you have found the good feelings it will be much funnier to ski!


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-16 10:32:07 | 只看该作者


VIDEO 208 – Coach Gianluca Branciaroli
Very good!! Beautiful video! In action you are very clean, coordinated and also elegant. You can give your skiing even more effective. You are very good at driving the ski at your convenience, but to increase the performance it is necessary to exploit more the deformation and the elastic response of the ski in the first part of the turn. You will have greater boost from the first part of the turn and more speed and fluidity in the second part. I advise you to put all the load on the new external ski while you change the corners to enter the new curve; do not be in a hurry to tilt your body, feel the new heavy, inclined outer foot that sets the curve. In the short and rhythmic curves, try not to be in a hurry to rotate your feet; tries to give more inclination and solidity to the feet and ankles to obtain deformation and cut.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-17 12:11:15 | 只看该作者

107 – Coach Paolo Curletto

1) First of all I congratulate you: you are very young and you are already very well set! Your strongest curve is the one on the right, you are well on your left foot and sure of what you do 2) Instead, the support on the right foot for the left bend is a little more uncertain 3) To feel safer even on the right foot, in the left turn, try to change from the left foot to the right foot with more energy. Immediately try to incline the right foot, giving it strength to cut it. Keep the right side of the body strong to give strength to the right foot 4) You are very good and you see that you like skiing, keep it up, with lots of enthusiasm and fun!


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-17 12:12:12 | 只看该作者


720 - Coach Paolo Curletto
1) Congratulations for the determination and the desire to test yourself in the GS, it is very useful to force yourself to be more effective.
2 Technique: use and incline the ankles, the tibiae, the knees: push them sideways towards the inside of the turn to increase the edge grip. And at the same time always keep your tails strong and cut! Do not be intimidated by the increased speed, attack!
3 - I also advise you to devote the right time to physical preparation both as a force and especially for the elasticity of the body and coordination


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-17 12:13:10 | 只看该作者


079 - Coach Paolo Curletto
1) Excellent parallelism of the feet and good base of support: this attitude gives you a good balance that you can take advantage of to improve quickly!
2) You have a tendency to "crush" and "surrender" with the bust especially at the beginning of the turn. This makes you lose effectiveness on your feet
3) Try to stay more open-high with the torso and strong with the abdominal muscles, the tibias resting heavily on the tongue of the boots especially when entering the turn. You can increase the feeling of "cut" and "support" in the entrance, you will feel safer to give speed to the resolution of the turn.
Try to do this with the utmost decision, you will have great benefits right away. You can dare more!


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-17 12:14:02 | 只看该作者


422 - Coach Paolo Curletto
1) Good tactics, interpretation of trajectories and timing. You have a smooth skiing and this is a great value. Now, with more "malice" you have to try to give speed and even more effective cutting
2) Attentive to the arms: if they are stretched along the body push the movement towards the snow instead of down, towards the slope. The high-low movement prevails and the result is a weaker and slower skiing. Instead we are interested in entering the turning point with solid and sharp feet and then accelerating down towards the point of attack of the next turn.
3) During the turn slightly bend the arms and think to give speed to the descent with the whole body compact and with the best choice of time!


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-17 12:14:39 | 只看该作者


008 - Coach Paolo Curletto
1) Take advantage of this beautiful training track as much as possible! Truly "top"! Your turn to the right is definitely the best, good support on the left ski and the left shoulder gives strength to the foot.
2) In the left turn instead enter with the flat and too light skis. You should enter the turning point with strong feet and ankles that want to cut the snow; you have to tilt them to your left and give strength to that inclination
3) In the central part of the turn the right foot must be strong and cutting! The right shoulder must go down and not go upwards because the right foot can not take the edge. As an exercise, make a diagonal trace to the left at low speed making a series of leaps on the right foot: feel like the right shoulder is forced to go down to the right foot and feel like the right foot is forced to take the edge! After the exercise try to transfer the same feeling in skiing GS distributing the action in a longer space and time, as you prepare to a great big jump


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-18 08:36:43 | 只看该作者

333 Coach Giorgio Albis
I like the harmony and the good rhythm you have in the limited space available On this tool you can do a very interesting job: check the perfect symmetry. For example, when you take a sharp edge check if you use the foot, ankle and knee together, both on the left and on the right. Here we notice that the left foot, the ankle and the knee are a bit 'lazy and on the other hand the knee is too active ... order the right foot and left to make the commanders. Make the gesture equally effective on both sides! In the change of edges do not leave the outer shoulder back, imagine to always keep yourself fixed to the bar in front of you. Also check the continuous parallelism of the skis and correct the scissor of the inner ski keeping its tail far from that of the external ski


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-18 08:37:29 | 只看该作者

101 Coach Giorgio Albis
Given the weak slope it is good to be able to maintain a constant speed, without slowing down. Technically the situation is not very demanding and it is difficult to make a judgment. You notice a position a little too low, sitting, that does not allow you to use the two ankles together in giving inclination to the skis. You should be taller, leaning on the entire length of the foot but feeling a lot of change in inclination at the heels and ankles, with continuity and fluidity. In this way you will be able to cut, better parallelism of skis, smooth turns and greater speed Keep your torso towards the descent and when preparing the pole use the pendulum wrist instead of advancing the arms


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-18 08:38:09 | 只看该作者


528  Coach Giorgio Albis
Good feet and good rhythm in the reversal of the edges, certainly facilitated by short skiing. To express your technical abilities even better, look for more support on the outer foot in the middle and end of the turn to fix the pelvis to the inside of the turn and help the feet to cut. You will also get a more precise ski load for entry into the new turn. Think of the alternation of loads as well as the high / low movement on the pedals of a bicycle. Try to correct the arms with the lower elbow (thumb aligned with the forearm). Try also to be less rigid with the upper part of the body to give greater plasticity to all the action and harmonize the movements.


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