学委的视频中根据CSIA和NZSIA定义了轴转为: 腿部在髋关节内的独立旋转动作
偶赶脚按英文字面意思“Pivoting refers to the action of leg turning in the hip joint”, 第一句turning应该是转动,而不是旋转(rotation)。
pivot slip 是旋转(rotation)为主。 其他的pivoting动作是内旋(外旋)加外摆(内摆)
Rotation of the femurs when skiing requires a combination of medial
(internal) and lateral (external) rotation and adduction and abduction (the
amount of each element required is dependent on the amount of bend in
the leg). Therefore during any given turn one femur is medially rotating and
adducting while the other is laterally rotating and abducting. The muscles
that are used to create adduction are able to create a stronger turning force
than those used to create abduction so the leg on the outside of the turn
(which is turning inwards) can create greater turning forces.
所以说轴转是种转动, 而不能简单说是旋转。 这样pivoting也就不限制立刃。