Signs and symptoms of sunburn usually appear within a few hours of exposure, bringing pain, redness, swelling and occasional blistering. Because exposure often affects a large area of your skin, sunburn can cause headache, fever and fatigue.
If you have a sunburn:
Take a cool bath or shower.
Apply an aloe vera lotion several times a day.
Leave blisters intact to speed healing and avoid infection.
If needed, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Don't give children or teenagers aspirin. It may cause Reye's syndrome, a rare, but potentially fatal, disease.
If your sunburn begins to blister or if you experience immediate complications, such as rash, itching or fever, see your doctor.
使用芦荟产品(an aloe vera lotion具体指啥不清楚,估计是含芦荟或其萃取物的霜剂,实在不行找片芦荟叶子贴上应该也行),一天数次。
如果需要,服用处方镇痛药,如阿司匹林,布洛芬(如Advil, Motrin或其它品牌),萘普生(如Aleve),或者对乙氨基酚(如Tylenol或其它品牌)。注意不要给儿童或青少年服用阿司匹林。它可能引起雷尔氏综合症,这种病罕见,但存在着潜在的致命危险或疾病。
如果晒伤处开始起水泡或者开始出现并发症, 如发疹、发痒或发烧,需要去医院就诊。 |