本帖最后由 oldzhang 于 2013-1-9 21:32 编辑
雪坷垃 发表于 2013-1-9 20:25
包括网上看得一些大神 ...
Chinaging direction
As defined in Newton's first law, an object will move in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. As the centre of mass moves down a slope, it seeks the path of least resistance or the most direct line. To deflect the mass, the skis are placed across the line of motion, creating a steering angle. Putting them on edge generates a centripetal force wich makes the skier turn.
Ski side-cut provides a built-in steering angle between the centre axis of the ski and the flare of the tip. The sk's built-in steering angle contributes to the turning.
我理解是,第一段说的是,雪板的实际运动方向与理论受力方向(lline of motion)会形成一个夹角(Steering angle)。滑雪者利用edge对抗雪面阻力运动时,即形成向心力,完成一个弯儿。
我觉得有点像手拿线拴着一个小球在头顶绕圈,小球的运动方向受向心力影响成为一个圆(滑雪者edge的力量相当于手的力量),如果转的时候松手,小球,将沿着圆的切线飞出(这个切线就相当于理论受力方向(lline of motion))
第二段说的是,雪板设计时已经考虑到这个夹角(Steering angle)的问题,所以每块雪板自有其自己的转弯半径
Skill - edging
Edging is the skier's ability to control the angle of the skis against the snow and utilize their side-cut properties. Edging lets skies control direction and /or speed.
Edging and direction change
When there is a change of direction, edging is involved. Edging provides a grip against the snow, and centripetal force redirects the mass. The degree of edging depends on whether the intention is to slow down, maintain speed or accelerate, and how quickly the skier wants to change direction.